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Best ATI drivers for CMSF/CMA?

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Right now i'm using the 10.8s, but the performance is horrible, i just can get above 20 fps with EVERYTHING turned low including the resolution to 1024x786. The only thing that i have set high is the model quality. As soon as i bump down the model quality the fps rises to 50-60 or so. However, this game has way less demanding models than any other current generation 3d title, what gives?

Is this a driver thing? Before, i had better fps results with an older card (the GF7900GTO)

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ATI hasn't exactly had great OpenGL performance when compared to Nvidia. Nvdia has basically had a better OpenGL support track record than ATI. However, for similar level hardware (faster for ATI/AMD in this case) the performance should only be slightly inferior if all settings were the same (driver and game).

I'm not sure what the best Catalyst driver is at this point. I haven't checked out anything since the 10.6 Catalyst and I haven't done any performance comparisons between ATI/AMD and Nvidia either. Your view level along with other driver settings can make a difference in performance too. When you get 20 FPS, how high up (view elevation) are you ? Higher elevation views may result in lower performance. Are you measuring FPS with FRAPS (which should be fairly accurate) ?

It's possible that the 10.8's may not have the best OpenGL performance compared to previous Catalysts (I haven't checked that out). Do you have your Anisotropic filtering and anti-aliasing settings set to something besides 'application controlled' ?

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