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Ideas of change

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I have had some thoughts about the units and strengths

I would like to have some more unit types (divisions, militia, garrision units, surface raiders, special weapons etc.)

To make it possible to have weaker/more diversified units you could increase the strength on normal units to 15 and the elite reinforcements up to 20, this would also make it possible to increase the research levels from 0-5 to 0-7 and also make it a bit more difficult to get research hits.

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Something I think the game could do with is restricting how you can use loot/captured resouorce points.

Eg the Japanese in China struggeld to get enough troops to fight after 1942, and used 700,000+ chinese tropos in rear areas - but in SC the chinese resources they get can be spent on "good" Japanese troops - IMO it would be better if they could only use them for inferior local levies.

I'm not sure how much chinese resources (industry, food, minerals, etc) contributed to the overall Japanese war effort - there might be info out there on that, and if so a suitable proportion would be allowed to be used for Japanese production. Given there is no consumable supply in SC there's no reason to make allowance for them sustaining Japanese armies in China.

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