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No Videocard. Need Advice

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Hello Everyone,

I'd like to introduce myself by saying Im the biggest idiot to walk the earth.

I was so excited to buy the game that I blazed through the hardware/software requirements without reading them very carefully.

I have no video card. I understand by reading the site more attentively that said card is highly reccommended.

I have a Compaq Pentium 2, 233mhz with 32 megs of ram and a 24x CD ROM. I am running DirectX 7. I can't recall the sound card at the moment.

SO, I have decided to buy a card, (instead of trying to muddle through without it) and since my wife is thousands of miles away until the 28th of August-- I don't expect to hear much argument.

My question to you is this: which card should I buy? Which one works the best with CMBO? Any advice will be gratefully accepted.

Thanks you very much,



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Due to the fact that your processor speed would handicap some of the newer cards,you would be best going with a VooDoo 3 or a TNT2 Ultra. I prefer the Nvidia cards(TNT2),but a lot of folks like the Voodoo cards. Be sure to determine if you have an AGP slot or not. If not,get a PCI card. I assume that your video in on the motherboard-this will have to be disabled(usually through the BIOS) before you install a video card.


[This message has been edited by Bill Mitchell (edited 08-21-2000).]

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