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New file at the Repository: Nupremal World.zip (2010-09-13)

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Version 1.14

- Fixed script error (Plan Z came up 2x)

- Updated Chinese Industrial Centers and Rail Net. Fewer rail lines but more Industrial Centers. Also added a road from Kunming to Chungking.

- Added New 4th Army to Communist Chinese production queue (disappeared after I changed Communist China's status at some point)

- Fixed Malta effect script (did not work because of change in Italy and China and incorrect country code activation)

- Reduced tech cost of Rockets to 75, and allowed for 2 chits maximum (since much of this tech will occur later in the war)

- added pop-up to advise Japanese to take Nanning

- made Indochina Cooperative, so if it is ignored the Allies can use it to bolster China. China remains unccooperative so using allied forces there will be difficult. It is also a useful place (along with Burma) for a failing China to escape with some units that will remain Free Chinese.

- adjusted activation script so that Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania will all get 5-15% Axis move if Yugoslavia is pro-allied to any degree (not just 50%). Hint: Wait to attack Yugoslavia until the coup takes place. 75% chance it becomes pro-allied (helps activate the Axis Allies) and 25% it moves towards the Axis, in which case with some diplmacy you can get them on your side instead of having to occupy them and worry about partisans and tie down forces.

- reduced all Nations to 60 days fortification build time (so UK and China are now the same as everyone else). Only minors (if applicable) would be 90 days.

- Fixed error in Shinano script (would not trigger)

- added new Decision event to re-incorporate Polish Eastern Front Territories into Poland (generally a good thing to say Yes to, as it costs little and pays for itself fairly quickly).

- Fixed Polish Partisans according to above, also discovered fix for one partisan event in Carpathians that otherwise never triggered

- expanded multi-media files

- added French Resistance decision event (creates partisan units in France)

- fixed timing of the Unternehmen Weserübung pop-up event so it happens on the Axis turn

- fixed Iraq coup event which was not working (due to change in Italy's country id)

- Chinese Infrastructure and AA tech reduced to 50 cost

- fixed Indochina surrender event so it takes place when Indochina is pro-allied (rather than active, in case the allies choose not to activate that lend-lease route)

- started China with 1 fighter tech chit (to represent the fact that most of their A/C were given to them and did not need development) and 1 intelligence tech chit (since they had so much partisan/local intelligence)

- added 5-15% activation to the Axis for Finland when Axis captures Leningrad

- added 5-15% activation to the Axis for Romania when Axis captures Odessa

- fixed duplicate Italian Armored Division (131st Centauro) should be 133rd Littorio

- fixed Chinese Partisans liberate Hengyang - which did not place partisan to liberate Hengyang

- fixed Pskov supply event for Barbarossa (incorrect coordinates)

- added Italian partisan effects starting in 1943 with allied occupation of Sicily (Palermo) - supply event

- re-arranged the French coastline to eliminate artillery exploits. Cherbourg is now only a port.

- re-arranged the English coastline for the same reason. Norwich and Great Yarmouth eliminated and Ipswich added. 54th Infantry deleted.

- Decision to open the Ledo Road will also provide additional Lend-Lease units = AA and ATG (likely before the road even opens)

- adjusted Victory conditions to reduce Italy's role (but not eliminate it)

- Mexican 201 squadron moved to production queue 7/24/44

- If the UK surrenders the Kriegsmarine may receive additional ships due to captured naval construction and facilities (1 each Uboat, DD, CA, BB - though they trigger randomly and you must hold London).

- Communist Chinese Units appear if China surrenders

- added CPC Geurillas to production queue for 1945

- added pop-ups explaining how to use the loops on the map, and made the colors more pronounced so they can be easily seen.

- added Kroat unit for Germans in Zagreb if Yugoslavia has surrendered to the Axis (will usually appear sometime in 1942)

- added Japanese surrender for Atomic Bombs (see diplomacy sheet) % chance and USA must control Okinowa (Naha) and Iwo Jima (units in each)

- in 1944 1st Bulgarian Army, 1st & 4th Romanian Armies may join Soviets if these nations have surrendered

- in 1944 1st Polish Army may form in Lvov

- Christchurch fixed and added as a supply center correctly

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