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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Yay and yay again!

Corporal Jones

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Finally :)

Rewind 20-25 years, and I used to play Empire for hours, weeks, and months on end, mostly against a friend (as the AI was not so good in those days). I used to love creating large maps, with a lot of ocean space, as for some tactical reason I loved the naval side of the exploration, as well as creating fleets of units for both offensive and defensive duties. The graphics and AI may have been poor by today’s standards, but the gameplay was awesome… and good tactical gameplay overrides any quality of graphics in my opinion.

Oh how I wanted a more up to date version of Empire, and over the years people have suggested the Civilization series and other similar games, however none have grabbed me in the way Empire did all those years ago, until 10 days ago…

I had posted a thread on the Matrix Games forum asking for suggestions, and somebody told me to look at Empires of Steel. At the same time, my laptop blew up, and until today, has been off at the medical centre.

So when Mrs Jones wasn’t looking, I borrowed her laptop, downloaded the Empires of Steel demo, and played it for a bit. The map was small, and the islands too bunched up, but wow… this was a descendant of Empire without a doubt.

Today my laptop was returned, and is working okay so far! I thought I’d post here before buying the full version of the game… as once I’ve done that I’ll be buried in it for a long time I think… or until I’ve a few questions.

Keep up the good work Brit... I’m looking forward to diving in.

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Yes, I'd noticed the reduced price, and bought and downloaded EoS last night :)

Then spent the whole night on a fresh game on a largish map with 70% ocean space. Really enjoyed it although I'm struggling to get transports to pick up troops from cities, and so my expansions plans have been delayed a little. I click on the transport and select "pick up unit X" and then unit Y, but it doesn't. I think the problem is that some load okay, and others dont, so I'm not sure what I'm doing right and wrong?? Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Aside from that I need to learn more about the tech tree, but I'm having fun :D

Will check out the empire deluxe rules too, thanks.

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You can drag the tile for the unit onto the transport. The units can be nested into groups in various combinations, anything nested inside the transport tile is onboard. Also see the "HOW TO:use transports" sticky at the top of htis forum. I don't think I ever use the "enter Y/pick up X" menu.

Glad to have some new blood :).

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When you get transport ships to work it's extremely efficient! E.g. you can sail into port A, pick up units 2 and 3 (in addition to unit 1 which is already on board) and then drop them off (and have them move on) at different locations without any additional orders. :)

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