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Binocular view

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I have just noticed in the info re" TOW2 Korea" specific mention of a binocular view.

Am I right in assuming there is no such view available in any of the other games in the TOW series.

It has always struck me that in a game featuring tanks and firing at tank ranges, that a binocular view is really a basic essential for full game immersion and enjoyment.

Is there any hope at all that such a feature could be modded in to the current games either by IC or by a gifted player/modder.

Thanks for any info /feedback

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I don't think we will ever see a bino view. If they manage to put in a bino view that would mean they would also have to make a slot for the TC/commander's position in all the vehicles. This would mean additional models etc. Since 1C is developing their next game I can only expect one more patch at best for Kursk. How far did they take ToW? Is 1C still creating additions, enhancements, upgrades and providing bug slaying for their first release? Don't hold your breath mates.

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I agree that an added specific TC view with binocular feature is most unlikely but would it not be possible to be able to call up with a key press a Zoom view of whatever you are looking at from wherever you are viewing if you would like it.

I seem to recall that such a view exists in the Combat Mission games and also in the Take Command Civil war games like the current "Gettysburg"---this enables viewing of distant areas and units and vehicles in much more close-up when required (reflecting ,though in a general way what a Commander binocular view would provide.)

In my view this would enhance enormously the visual quality and immersiveness of these TOW games where more distant views and events(like the effects of fire on distant enemy units and vehicles etc) could be seen and appreciated much more fully.

Would such an addition be a feasible proposition?

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Well it would be my understanding that binocular view would only be useful if the game did not have "free camera" . Kursk is not a pure simulation of WWII warfare and as such players are able to go to any part of the 3D map at any time to see just what in the hell is going on.

If ToW only permitted roaming of the landscape during a planning/deployment phase then binoculars would make sense because it would be then representing the same visual aspect that platoon leaders would have. I could only see units that were exposed to my position directly and any other visible units that my position could not see would be displayed on the tactical map as reported by units over distance (I could not "fly" to those positions on the 3D map and would have to adjust my tactics accordingly, just like in real life). I don't think 1C will ever go down the path of pure simulation (but I wish they would). The price would go up but in the long run 1C would support the Sim like eSim supports Steelbeasts Pro PE.

P.S. Maybe on a lark 1C should contact eSim. They could partner up on some ****e lmao (that will never happen)

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