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Recreating Fall Weiss question

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I just bought Global Conflict (so that's 4th SC2 I have, just one to go :)) and although I really love the new features (just a pity that non-random research is not among them) I find the map of Europe a bit small.

So I wanted to recreate the Fall Weiss scenario in the editor (with no experience of it so far). How can I load the map used in that WaW scenario in the editor? If I try to load it I just get an error. I know that there were a lot of changes to the script system, and that it's not compatible, but I just need the map and the whole scenario as such... if anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be grateful.

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Hi Borsook

Firstly, create a new folder called Fall Weiss or similar (the name is for convenience sake only). This folder can be on your desktop so that it's readily accessible.

Now go into the WAW editor and open up the Fall Weiss scenario. Click on File at the top left, and click on Export Data. After a few seconds it will ask you which folder to export the data to - place it in the Fall Weiss folder that you made in stage one.

You can now close the WAW editor and open the Global one. Go to File and click on Import Data.

It will now bring up a grey box showing all of the aspects that can be imported. Due to all the enhancements and new features not everything can be imported, but if you Select All then all that can be imported, will be once you've clicked ok. But first I would suggest taking a screenprint so that you'll be able to refer back to this list of what was and what wasn't imported.

Save the campaign that will have been created, but now you've got some work to do in filling in what wasn't imported. This will involve switching between the WAW and Global editors. I would suggest taking lots of screenprints in the WAW editor as this will reduce the amount of going backwards and forwards that you'll have to do.

As to the scripts, I strongly recommend pasting in one type of script at a time, saving the script file, hitting update and at this stage the editor will let you know if it doesn't like the format of the scripts (i.e. where new lines have been added between versions). Then just add in the missing information and save again.

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Thank you Bill for a very detailed how to. Much obliged.

PS. I started work on conversion of Storm of Steel, the import left a lot of work, even countries (France is China) are whole resource layer are totally wrong, but sooner or later it will be done.

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