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AAR Nupremal World AI test

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I edited the airforces and artillery attack values (I like deadly attacks and I hate long sieges).

Suddenly in the March 1940, during the AI turn (Allies) the game froze (during the naval reorganization if I recall it correctly).

I cannot go on.

Any suggestions?


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Nothing to do.

I rebooted and resumed but the game keeps freezing as the AI reaches the naval reorganization step.

Thanks anyway for your help.


P.s.: keep up the good work. This scenario is fantastic and I'm confident that every problem will be solved as soon as this mod is fully tested.

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Dunno - would suggest changing the values back but you have probably already done that. I've very rarely ever had this game crash. The only other time I deleted the autosave file - I don't remember which one it was and picked up from a saved game. If all else fails just start over.

I'm pretty darn impressed with this mod. From the British gunning for France early to sending the US fleet to protect what is left of the Northern part of England when they move their capital to Glasgow to the obvious mobility of the US fleet in the Pacific to continued pressure on Finland to the ominous threat of nuclear annihilation to absolute stubborn Chinese resistance. Honestly I think a human opponent might be easier to beat and I'm playing it on easy mod with no exp bonus for the computer. Would love to try a TCP/IP game.

Oh I don't recall taking Indochina but the country seems to have capitulated but when I go to land a transport in Saigon it won't let me unload. Me thinks it got confused from a save game and a revert back to an autosave.

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I ran into a minor problem. The Americans landed 2 ground units on Guadacanal which the Japanese had owned, and now the Americans do. The Japanese own all the other islands in the immediate area. The Americans decided to move both units on the SAME turn with Amphibious movement. In doing this one of the American Amphibs was put into the water INSIDE the harbor on the island of Malaita, this port and island are Japanese owned and have units on that island. The Japanese cannot attack that Amphib unit while it is in the port on Malaita. I tried submarines, airpower and land units but nothing can hit it.

Thank you

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Editted the 1.03 version of your mod due to the new Global 1.02 parameters. Fighters get 2 intercepts / 1 strike. Carriers get 1 intercept and 1 strike, but I gave them a 1 SA and bumped the starting NA and CA values to 3 for UK / USA and 4 for IJN.

I'll track a hotseat for performance.

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Yeah.....????...well what about those carriers?;) If you can convince me that 2 CAGs have as many effective planes at the specific function as fighter, TAC, or SB groups represent then I will relinquish and give carriers two strikes!:P

Carriers are way to effective for the AI to use with additional experience given by the human player. The experience is the "breaker" and even at 0 SA and TA still provide too many "hits" . Now I'm not saying CV groups shouldn't deal out ground unit damage, on the contrary, in massed usage they should be able to cause some significant damage to ground units, especially the ones of the "soft" variety, hence the 1 SA CTV.

Now, with a single strike, they are not so effective, as their numbers dictate, and are at the mercy of a fighter group's intercepts, which represents hundreds of planes. CAGs must be nurchured, upgrades are essential and they need the support of land based aviation......now you need the islands and forward bases. Sound historical?:confused:

Hey! .but?..you never know Nup, perhaps I'm wrong,..... yeah right:p, testing will tell!:)

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Well its your mod Vypuero, so I'll have to relinquish to your wisdom, Lord knows you've put in substantial effort.

Still, I'll play this one with the edited parameters, so far so good, but we shall really see when the USN and IJN go at it.

And thanks for the Mod, it's most awesome.:)

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As far as land targets vs carrier strikes are concerned I can say from my games with Nupremal and the AI, the mod shows correct loss figures for both carriers air and land units. In most case, soft targets can resist carrier strikes long enough to ensure a player react and bring in air or naval response to the threat. Even 3 carriers can hardly destroy a corps without other forces contribution .

Regarding air fleets vs carriers or naval combats more testing are needed in different conditions ( experience level, tech level, interaction with nearby fighter cover for one or both sides). One major progress i underlined earlier is the increased vulnerability of carriers. You have to be absolutly sure you have full sea and air supremacy before you try any land strikes.

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One direction I'm taking with this is building CAG experience. Since the 3 IJN CVs start with 2 experience, I've been boosting their strength to 12 before initiating attacks, this usually precludes any exp. losses. With the action along the China coast, there is a good stage for developing the IJN CVs further and with tech they should be devastating when 42 roles around.

Can you imagine how nasty they can be with double strikes? Don't get me wrong, I believe CVs should be the death dealers of the sea, but their features should represent that strength in groupings, not by themselves, unless raider hunting, and they should always require task force support.

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Hope not any "game killers" as I just had a very competitive "Battle of France". As Poland went down on the second turn(ho hum, as usual) I operated west and attacked both Belgium and The Netherlands third turn, Belgium fell, but the Dutch hung on one turn, that's at least different!

Now French soil was violated Jan. 19, 1940 by German forces.....in no hurry, just took Axis time. After a slugfest throughout the Winter and Spring, Paris was captured and Vichy was negotiated June 7, 1940, but not without significant casualties to the Wehrmacht.

The BEF consisted of a level 2 Tank group, 2 corps fully level 1 IW, AT, and motorized and an army completely level one teched. Of course close cooperation with the French tanks at level one and coordination of Allied air assets decimated two Panzer groups and 2 teched corps, most losses I can ever remember for Fall Gelb. If it hadn't been for emergency research into anti-tank guns to level two, the Germans may never have taken the place with their unteched Panzers.

Touch and go for almost 6 months, now its time for Dunkirk.:)

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Checked both pages from both sides, nada, but I'll tell you what, when I get back to the scenario I'll look after a couple more turns. Thing was, right after the armistice I wanted to diplo Vichy into the Axis camp and go after Spain, so I looked real hard...both pages, but perhaps I overlooked it.

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