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I hope no one minds if I post a question about WAW here since the other forum is dead and I figure the question still applies. In the manual, it is recommended under Axis Strategy to perform large encirclements. I've yet to see an opportunity to do this since the Russians are typically with a hex of a city. Am I missing something about how to do them? Does the city get less supply if it is cut off from the capital? Any help is appreciated.

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A city that is cut off from the capital receives only 5 supply, down from 10. For German cities in Russia that are cut off it is only 3 supply, down from 5. Also note that if you destroy a unit with 4 or less supply it cannot be rebuild for 60% of the cost. So if you manage to encircle a group of units and a city, only the unit in the city will have 5 supply and can be rebuild cheaply. The others will be far more expensive. This way you can destroy resources of your enemy by encircling before you destroy. If you use strategic bombers to reduce the city to 3 supply and then wait a turn you can destroy the unit in the city as well without giving your enemy a chance to rebuild for 60% of the cost.

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The way to do it is to cut the railway lines linking a city to the Capital (or Industrial Centres). From the next turn, supply to, and income from, that city will have been halved. Then if you can eliminate any supporting HQs, or drive them off through air attacks, and bomb the city with strategic bombers, in subsequent turns you've got a good chance of taking the city while its defenders will be at very low supply.

The benefits of this are that the defenders will fight poorly when at such low supply, and there's a good chance that your opponent won't be able to reform this unit at reduced cost, because only units destroyed at supply of 5 or more can be bought back at reduced cost.

Edit: It looks like Wushuki and I were typing away at the same time!

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Oh man I wish I had known this. In order to cut a rail line, do I just need to turn the tile around it my country's color by moving across it? Also, are roads a source of supply? Thanks. Glad I saved my game before invading russia.

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To cut supply you must cut all railways to it by turning them to your color. Ports or normal roads do not transfer any supply. As long as a single railway is intact the town receives full supply however.

There are also a few minor things you need to keep in mind.

First, just before it is calculated whether a city is still in supply, all squares around it are automatically captured by the owner of the town. So you either have to leave a unit on the railway squares around it or capture railway squares a bit away from the town.

Second, some towns act as natural supply points and always have maximum supply for some reason. This goes for Stalingrad for example.

It takes a turn before new supply is calculated, so you may want to wait after you have cut the last railway. You can see how much supply an enemy unit has by clicking on it. This helps you determine which units have less then 5 supply.

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At present the USSR has Baku, Murmansk, Vladivostock and Irkutsk as industrial centers and they stay at max supply values even if cut of from Moskwa. Stalingrad is not an industrial center.

But if I surround Moscow every other city besides those you mentioned would have 5 supply?

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