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USSR joins the allies - but not at war

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I wonder if this is a bug. We play a two player game with me as axis.

After conquering Yugoslavia the war readiness of USSR raised to 86

and after two more turns 'USSR joined the allies' and readiness is

now 100. I thought that once the USSR joins the allies I would be at

war, but I'm still not at war and can't enter any USSR teritory,

neither with Germany nor with Japan.

So the USSR cannot attack me ever if at 100.

That seems strange to me.

Greetings, Isnogud.

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Hi Isnogud

As Axis, you will need to declare war on the USSR with either Germany, Japan or both.

The thing is that the USSR can reach full mobilization without necessarily being at war with the Axis, and this gives both sides an opportunity, should they desire it, to go to war when they feel it is the best time to do so.

With the Axis, usually as soon as possible once the USSR is near to full mobilization (around 90%) and for the Allies, well it all depends on the overall situation and what the Soviets plan to do. For instance, if the Germans don't invade quickly then it will give the USSR a chance to strike at Japan, and this could have disastrous consequences to the Axis. So, by not making them automatically at war it opens up a few more possibilities.

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