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Gaming can make a better world


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Is this when we all sit around and sing Kumbya?

Games, computers and TV are not motivators. Oprah, Dr Phil and the Biggest Loser have been preaching self help for years and most viewers are still on the couch saying "Pass the BonBons".

Based on all the CM I've played, I should be ready to go out put a bazooka round in the next PzIV is see on the freeway.

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I hope the optimism in this presentation is justified. I wasn't aware that online games were teaching the benefits of cooperation over competition. In WoW there aren't any fifty or sixty or seventy year-olds telling the gamers that they aren't qualified to participate. The real world is full of real people who defend their tiny fiefdoms of power and authority with the vehemence of rabid dogs. This will be a trend to keep watching over the next few decades as the gamers mature to see if this cooperative mind-set survives.

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Working for a games company full of these kind of people I can say I have never worked in an environment where people "defend their fiefdoms" less... They are, on the whole, a complete pleasure to work with after the experiences I had at one of the largest corporations in the world...

Maybe there is hope yet...

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