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Loop Madness

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Okay so the war goes badly for the allies and German armies are occupying the eastern USA and a beachhead of Japanese Imperialists is pushing towards Denver in the west.

The Japanese force is in need of tanks to break through but is unable to attain this aspect because the Germans on the west are left sitting a few tanks on the three loop arrows that don't seem to function :(

Why these loop conditions don't work like transferring naval assets from the pacific and it takes all 4 or five units lined up on the loop arrows I'll never know. I do know that in the present form with loop conditions the Germans will never get their land units over to the west coast without first taking the Suez and transporting through.

I submit the endgame is broken at this point due to unrealistic and scarce loop markers and conditions.

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Yeah, I have to say it's a little frustrating that we got a global game where the map doesn't scroll-loop seemlessly when reaching the edge, creating a 'cylinder' of sorts. I imagine the engine wasn't originally built to support it, but it does seem like the sort of feature that really should have made it into a full-price release of a truly global game. The arrows are a bit of an awkward 'hack'.

I suspect the best we can hope for in this vein is that if there is a SC3 then looping maps are built in to the engine at the start regardless of if the initial scenario will use them, so that we don't have issues like this.

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