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Some small issues...


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Hey Brit,

The last couple of games I've played, I've noticed a few things. May just be me, but they have happened more than once.

1) The ability to set "wait until heal" for groups doesn't seem to work anymore (I think they used to right?).

2) If a unit has a set of moves sequenced, or even attacking a city, it will sometimes seem to "forget" the rest of the moves (or stop attacking the city it was after).

3) If a unit is sentried, it will not allow you to use the "upgrade all" button. You have to manually go to each unit and hit the upgrade button.

4) When an individual unit is sentried, I thought it used to "unsentry" when you put it in to a group with others (maybe not..don't remember). When you then give move orders to the group, it moves with them, but the sentry icon stays.

Now, just a couple of AI/database questions.

1) A transport sinking a sub? REALLY? :eek: Maybe there is no simple way with the values, but shouldn't a transport really have no way to hurt a sub (or for that matter a cruiser or battleship)?

2) I've seen the AI put about 3 to 5 transports stacked (unloaded) out in the ocean near his border, and do nothing with them (except use them to attack ships later if they see something which is ALMOST (see #1 above) suicide...

Toward the end game he must have had 20+ transports and just a battleship and sub or two...

Thanks for listening,


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In RL there's no way a transport can hurt a sub, cruiser or battleship. In the game I like a small chance. Maybe one out of 10 give or take. Lucky shot. Empire is an abstract wargame. But we can adjust the ruleset any way we want to play. totally realistic or mostly realistic.

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Hey Brit,

The last couple of games I've played, I've noticed a few things. May just be me, but they have happened more than once.

1) The ability to set "wait until heal" for groups doesn't seem to work anymore (I think they used to right?).

2) If a unit has a set of moves sequenced, or even attacking a city, it will sometimes seem to "forget" the rest of the moves (or stop attacking the city it was after).

3) If a unit is sentried, it will not allow you to use the "upgrade all" button. You have to manually go to each unit and hit the upgrade button.

4) When an individual unit is sentried, I thought it used to "unsentry" when you put it in to a group with others (maybe not..don't remember). When you then give move orders to the group, it moves with them, but the sentry icon stays.

Hm. This probably has to do with a change I made to the sentry system. In one of the recent updates, I changed 'sentry' and 'wait until healed' to be actual orders - which means they can be added to the list of orders, rather than just being a 'state'. (The new system lets you do things like tell your units to move to X, and then sentry. Or move to a city, sentry until repaired, then move to X.)

Now, just a couple of AI/database questions.

1) A transport sinking a sub? REALLY? :eek: Maybe there is no simple way with the values, but shouldn't a transport really have no way to hurt a sub (or for that matter a cruiser or battleship)?

Hm. The AI doesn't get any special advantages here, so it's not some sort of an AI combat-advantage thing. I'll take a look into it. Right now, the game rules would allow transports to occasionally defeat those other units. It would be rare. I can look into the rules system deeper, though, because I can certainly see how that is not very realistic.

2) I've seen the AI put about 3 to 5 transports stacked (unloaded) out in the ocean near his border, and do nothing with them (except use them to attack ships later if they see something which is ALMOST (see #1 above) suicide...

Toward the end game he must have had 20+ transports and just a battleship and sub or two...

Ok. I'll look into it.

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