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The AI and the 1.03 patch

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Well that was it for the Japanese AI, surrendered on its March 1, 1945 turn. The Allies, all USA, took Seoul(paradrop) and Kyoto by the 1st Marine Tank division moving from Tokyo supported by McArthur.

The Japanese AI was very strong in Burma and the UK wasn't able to make much progress, a stalemate for most of the game, and the AI diverted what could have been the Chinese surrender to that theater. USSR never entered into the fray, never was needed.

My first ever PT game playing the Japanese AI, max settings, and the result was a Major Allied Victory, pretty easy, but there were some anxious moments and of course great entertainment.

Now to finish up the game against the Allied AI.

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There's danger on the edge of town. The USN AI has seen fit to probe into the East China Sea with a couple of cruiser squadrons supported by Iowa class BBs. This presents a major dilemma to my efforts as I cannot allow this incursion to come in and out of the IJN stronghold without consequence. Unfortunately these are not the target class of priority so even though I must respond, it must be measured as far as my subsequent losses are concerned. Continued tactics of this type will surely undermine the IJN strategy for the last ditch effort, I'm thinking about some kind of diversion.

The other major problem for the beginning of the "Summer of Hell" is that Saipan fell and soon the Abomb reign of terror is about to start. Knowing that the main targets will be Japanese cities, I have decided to not deploy into the cities themselves but on the outskirts where my engineers have been busy readying improved defensive positions. Its obvious that the CV strikes coupled with the Abomb drops will completely erase any city garrisons so I will concentrate on counterattacks to regain the critical cities of Kyoto and Tokyo.

Chungking and the defensive perimeter in Manchuoku are solid for this final 6 months of the campaign even though intel reveals T34Cs massing on both flanks so I will now concentrate on holding the Home Islands.

Wish me luck!

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OK Hubert and Bill I've got a little problem. It seems the Japanese AA guns are inoperative....just curious...is that another advantage to the AI, because if it is, then I won't ever buy and research them again.;)

All three Japanese AAA units at level 3 antiair tech located at 79,24..78,25, and 60,16 are not responding to enemy airstrikes on adjacent tiles. OK, well that's not exactly true as the one in Manchuoku, 60,16 will respond when attacked but I only get one strike and the "properties"' screen clearly shows they have double strike ability.

Is this by design, or do you want to examine the save?

To tell you truth...I really don't need AA guns anyway, I can beat this AI with my eyes closed.:P

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Nevermind, I get it. Its another case of the all powerful carriers:rolleyes:, no defense except another carrier or fighters. So if you don't have a CV left or any fighters you're just SOOL, and those CVs have double strikes beside, so double the stools.:(

This is clearly unrealistic as anti-air should include 50 cal, 20 and 40 mm guns that can easily bring down aircraft operating from carriers. The city upgrades??? What are those? You put tripleA on the tops of buildings in the form of the various calibres mentioned along with the heavy 88s and 128s and what??? They only shoot at bombers of the strategic variety, not even TAC are susceptible.

It just doesn't make sense! No wonder people complain about omnipotent TAC bombers. Now I could make the rationalization since we didn't have an amphib attack from a sea tile, but now...for Global...its irrational. Hope you guys(betas) got this adjusted.:confused: Ohh...wait a minute, there's not going to be any tripleA units in the grand campaign, just as well. At least I can count on Nupremal's mod to get this right.:cool:

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