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I am trying to print the manual piece by piece. Looking at copy/paste into a word doc and then printing.

Problem is some pages, like the map editor, don't show the images on the left when opening the html manual. They show when opening the manual in the game but not the html. In the game I can highlight the page but when right clicking to save no menu comes up. Frustrating. Is there a way to either get the images to show up in the html manual (preferred method) or save the page in the game manual. When I'm finished I can save as a pdf and post it if anyone is interested.

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You should be able to open the game manual pages directly in a browser (Data\GameManual). I should add that some html pages have variables in them that are changed on the fly by the application. The application does some extra things (like it will automatically include any downloaded rules into the manual's hyperlinks). That's why, if you open "/Data/GameManual/Contents.html" in a browser, it will show "<%ExtraUnitsetsListForGameManualContents%>" under the Rules category.

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Brit, I've been doing that and it doesn't work. Some pages, like "FieldOrders" and "Map Editor Interface" are supposed to have images on the left but they are missing. Try it and you'll see. They show up when looking at the manual in-game but not through a browser.

Also, in the Contents in the browser, "<%ExtraUnitsetsListForGameManualContents%>" is in black type and is not a link.

If you try all the links when looking at the manual through the browser by using "/Data/GameManual/Contents.html" you'll find all the missing material.

I can't make a pdf file or print the manual until it's fixed.

An alternate method would be to make it possible to save manual pages in-game. Currently this doesn't work. I can hi-lite but then when right-clicking it doesn't bring up a menu to save.

EDIT: I was just looking at the in-game manual. Some of that stuff you can't even hi-lite. Looking at ruleset buildings, the buildings on the left and the descriptions on the right can't be hi-lited or saved.

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