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Why do not soldiers shoot through loop-holes in the sides of APC?


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Hull MGs, like Coax and roof mounted, are part of the vehicle. They can never be anything other than that. The code currently isn't set up to handle something which acts like a vehicle mounted weapon but is also something that is an individual weapon. The closest we have to that is a crew mounted weapon that can be dismounted, but that's a crew served weapon and not an individual one. Plus, Charles had to write some pretty ugly code to get even that to work :)


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Well now became more clear, as I understood game engine does not enable to do too much shooters in one unit of technique. It is sorry, true as I understand even on one shooter on every side of APC doing is possible ;-)

It would be desirable what you all the same enabled an infantry to shoot from UAZ, in fact game engine does not limit it.

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I've shot through the firing ports in a few vehicles, but only because I could ;). It's not very effective nor accurate.

But in some rare occasions it comes in handy - for example if the vehicle you're in gets immobilized and you are under (small arms) fire, you can cover the dismounting by laying suppressive fire (e.g. in BMP, one side fires, other dismounts, then other covers and so on). Other situation is where NBC weapons are used, you may want to sit inside the vehicle and fire out of it while charging towards the English Channel. ;)

The firing ports in some vehicles are not that quick to use either, and the firing arcs, as Steve pointed out, are very limited.

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Yup, this is one of those features that we would rather have in the game than not. However, it isn't simple to add and the value is extremely limited, therefore it isn't very important in our view. We have never prioritized "marginal" features if it means robbing time from developing more relevant features. Sure, it's certain that firing from within an APC can sometimes have a positive effect. But definitely only rarely would this happen.

We are looking into why GAZ passengers can not fire outside of their vehicle.


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