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Heavy lag during PBEM setup phase

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Hello everyone,

my Patchlevel: 1.20, Marines and Brits installed.

As the title says my game heavily lags during the setup phase of PBEM scenarios. Mouse and keyinput can take several seconds to take effect. The lag is way less severe when the map is viewed from an overhead camera perspective (hotkeys 7 to 9).

After the setup everything runs just fine.

The setup for the same scenario (UK H2H British Inf Vs Syrian Mech Inf) works normally in Singleplayer mode. I can't tell if the problem is dependant on certain parameters of the scenario or not. But I surely observed this problem in earlier patches too and with different scenarios.

Is this problem on Battlefront's radar?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I believe there is another more in-depth thread about this from a bit back in time. I had asked about it myself and it was explained that this only happens on very big maps and scenarios and only to the guy setting up the game on his first turn. After that, every other turn in the game is smooth as usual.

What I do when setting up a game and getting this lag on my side is I set up my view from the top down which smooths things out in order for me to go where I need to go and set up units. It is slow and a bit laggy when setting up move commands and such but it does work to minimize lag. Once that first turn is over, everything turn thereafter is smooth as silk.

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