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Ressources for making scenarios

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Admitted, Im a newbie in making scenarios, but I want to contribute to this great community by developing some scenarios myself. Hopefully, you will enjoy them in due time :)

However, does there exist some sort of manual or document about how to make scenarios and which explain AI-plans and so on? I realize that this forum could have som info about this, but on the AI-plan and so on I havent found anything.

So, is there a good place to start? I want to fulfill my ideas :)



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The game manual is a pretty good place to start, but the best way is to get into the editor and start fiddling about.

You could try de-constructing an exisiting scen, to see how the designer went about it. You could also mine the QB maps (there are a *SWAG* of great maps there, any of which would provide a great basis for a bespoke scen) so that you can skip the time consuming step of building the maps - or select a QB map and modify it to suit your scen idea.

FWIW, IMO it's a good idea to start with a particualr tactical problem that you want to model - something like;

* dismounted infantry attack against a dug in defender at night in flat open terrain, or

* mechanised infantry attack against hasty defence in dense city at dawn without indirect firesupport, etc

That provides you with a basic description of the forces on both sides, the map, and the environmental conditions. This is important, because the tactical problem being presented will guide your detailed force selections, development of the AI, and to some degree the detailed drawing of the map. Basically, I think you need to have a plan before you go into the editor.

My other tip would be to start small - a platoon or so on each side, and a map less than 1km x 1km.

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Regards, JonS. Good idea to deconstruct a existing scenario in the editor - didnt knew I could that! I will use some time there.

Agreed, some plan for the tactical "storyline" is useful before entering the editor. I pretty much has the story, the balancing of forces and the challenges for the player figured out,

And oh, as much as I loved to set up small toy soldiers in an concrete enviroment with a background story as a child, I now really love to dwell into the making of a map and the details on it. Perfect activity for relaxing :)


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Hi wesselholt,

JonS's suggestion is a good one - I learnt a lot about AI plans by looking at existing scenarios in the scenario editor. The links below will point you at some other useful files on the Repository:




Also - somewhere there is a Mission Editing Guide - I have just looked for you and can't find it. It comes in six parts and I can't remember whether I got it from the Repository or the now defunct CMMODS site. This is a really useful document and was produced by George McEwan. It might be worth PMing him to get your hands on it.

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Wesselholt - once you've done that, the other way is to ask on this forum and you should get an answer. The thing that does cause the most difficulty is the mechanics of the AI plans. The best tip I can give is to storyboard your proposed mission either on a piece of paper or as a powerpoint - whichever method you choose it is important to document things because you have to flick between a load of different screens in CMSF to achieve the result desired and because you can't see all of the orders for a particular group in the AI editor it can get fiddly. The way I get around this is to mark where my units are going by using terrain tiles (usually the gravel tile) in the map editor. This speeds things up for me and obviously once I've got the plan to work I then change the tiles to what they should be.

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