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Updating unit images

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I was wondering if there were plans to update the images for the units in CMBB, or are there downloads available that do? A number of the vehicles in the game just use sort of "generic" images. Take the German SdKfz 231 and 233 armored cars for example. The 233 appears as a 231 in the game even thought they look quite different with the 233 being open topped and mounting a 75mm gun verses the 20mm turret mounting on the 231. There are a lot of other examples as well.

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Yes they have been done and you can find them in one of two places:

1) Mods of the entire User Interface such as Tarkus "Dark Steel"

2) Some mods of individual vehicles have them included.

I suggest that you go to Cmmods or the Repository and have a look at the User Interfaces first. From memory Dark Steel, Red GUI, Westfront, Dirty Olive, Eastern Front Interface, as they may all have what you want in them.

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Yes they have been done and you can find them in one of two places:

1) Mods of the entire User Interface such as Tarkus "Dark Steel"

2) Some mods of individual vehicles have them included.

I suggest that you go to Cmmods or the Repository and have a look at the User Interfaces first. From memory Dark Steel, Red GUI, Westfront, Dirty Olive, Eastern Front Interface, as they may all have what you want in them.

Okay I downloaded all three of the "Dark Steel" user interfaces from the Repository. Only problem is none of the stuff in the repository has any info on how to install them to CMBB. And from the limited descriptions given I would have only thought that this was a user interface not an update to the unit images. Do you have any instructions on installing them?:confused:

Oh yes and where do you find Cmmods? The site I found has shut down May 31st.

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Okay so I found GreenAsJade's CM site, and it is full of mod for vehicles and well, just about everything to do with CM. Though it looks like the vehicle mods only seem to be changing the paint schemes not the vehicles themselves. Still the big mystery to me is 1. How do you install a mod into CMBB? and 2. How do you make a mod? I'd love to be able to play around with it and maybe be able to fix some of the things that bug me.

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To answer your original question, there are no mods that will change any 3D models within the game. All "mods" are just for looks/paint jobs/grass/etc.

To answer your other questions... almost, if not all "mods" are just bmp files that go in the BMP directory. To do your own, grab a paint program and paint away on the BMP files!

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To install a mod is easy:


step 1; back up your bmp folder in your game directory

step 2; copy the mod bmp files into your bmp folder

now your game uses the mod look rather than the standard look.

Option 2

step 1; download McMM mod organiser from cmmods site

step 2; install it and you can now safely move your mods in and out of the bmp folder at will.

Which 'unit picture do yo want to change?

The unit icons on the right hand side of the interface can be changed to the Dark Steel bac and white photographs with country flags and arm of service badges.

The tank icons in the centre will change to new ones with a green background.

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To answer your original question, there are no mods that will change any 3D models within the game. All "mods" are just for looks/paint jobs/grass/etc.

To answer your other questions... almost, if not all "mods" are just bmp files that go in the BMP directory. To do your own, grab a paint program and paint away on the BMP files!

Yep thanks, I was figured it out just playing around with things. I'm rather disappointed with the fact that you can't change or add vehicles to the game and with the fact that they did such a poor job of researching them. Funny thing is there are examples were they have the correct images for things but they use them for the wrong thing! Take for example, the Sd Kfz 221. What you see on the battlefield is a 222, but they have the right image file for it if you use a 223. If you use a 223 you see a 221 on the battlefield. Then there is the Pz IB, you see a Pz IIC on the battlefield, yet they have the entire image for a Pz IB minus the turret in the PzJg IB. If you use any of the Grille's you just see a Wespe.... Anyway it all just bugs me that they get such a good idea for the game and then just sorta half-ass all the details!

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I play unmodded but downloaded Phillippe's excellent sorted scenarios for 42-43, and noticed, in some scenarios the units/terrain seem to be modded, can mods be saved in the scenario editor?

Looking at some of the excellent scenarios/operations I feel I should indulge in a bit of modding, grey afv's in "Der Manstein Kommt!" just looks and feels wrong! I took DAF's advice and downloaded the McMM mod organiser and have trawled previous threads on essential mods, so what next. As a computer neophyte how do I now proceed now? The McMM came with a brief set of instructions about copying your bmp folder, but why, given you should be able to move your mods in and out. Is there any set of basic instructions, complete with screen shots, showing you how to manage modding, especially using McMM.

Sorry to sound a bit delicate, but I had the very devil of a job loading this game and do NOT want to do so again when/if I cock up my mods, yes I have read the horror stories on the threads which may or may not be representative, but they still worried me.

Solutions/soothing words about how easy it is would be most greatfully received.

p.s. Thanks Phillippe, your efforts on sorting the scenarios has reinvigorated my CMBB gaming but I might curse you soon as I'm told modding can be addictive!!

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You should always back up your original bmp folder to guard against disaster!

Look here for full instructions and screen shots:


Once you get it set up it is fairly easy to use but you may have to fiddle about with the some of the mods folders especially if they contain a number of alternate options. The programme likes a folder for each alternative option with the correct bmp number. So for instance a T34 mod might have the basic mod in the folder plus an alternative with a red star on the turret. Modders tend to lump them into one folder and then re-number the bmp numbers to 105626a (Red Star turret), 105626b (Guards badge on turret), etc. So what you have to do is create sub-folders with each option in it and then rename each file to the original bmp number.


T34 M43 57mm

basic bmps

sub folder/turret red star (105626)

sub folder/Guards Badge (105626)

The programme will recognise each of these so you can swap the basic T34 into your programme and then over write the turret with your star option of your choice.

If you are struggling email me and I will send you screen shots.

Really glad you liked the sorted scenarios as Phillippe took a lot of flak putting the together the packs as some designers wanted to have their permission asked first. With over 3,500 scenarios that would have been impossible. To give you an idea there are only just 1,000 on the Scenario Depot so a lot of scenarios were in danger of being lost as website close down or disappear.


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Thanks for the info DAF, I've had to set up the McMMM manually, as I have the CD version of game, I selected the Combat mission but when I downloaded a mod it did not appear on in the McMM screen. To set up, I'd selected the CMBB folder for both fields (Combat mission installation and Mod storage), the mod is sitting there, in its own folder but McMMM shows a blank field for it!!! I tried to select the bmp folder for the mod storage but got a warning screen from the McMMM!! Do I have to create a create a mod folder, the very helpful link you sent me makes no mention of that, but then again it assumes a level of computer literacy I seem to lack.

I want to get modding, but my ineptness is stopping me, which file/folder should I select??

I can see how some designers might get annoyed about Phillippe's approach, and it's always tricky when dealing with 'intellectual copyright' especially as some designers have spent a considerable ammount of time and effort on them, for no financial renumeration. I'm a pragmatist though and agree losing them forever is worse than ruffling some feathers and a minority of mediocre scenarios are lucky to be preserved at all. Perhaps gamers could thank the creators when they play them, it would at least show some acknowledgement of all the effort that has gone in to for example George's Strachwitz scenarios (gazing at those maps has given me as much pleasure as playing some average scenarios)

I really appreciate the help DAF and sorry for being a complete IT conscript, a weakened and pinned one at the moment!!

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Download the mods and put them in a folder anywhere on your computer - a partition other than C: is a good idea and will not cause troubles. Open McMMM, double click on the game you want to mod (if you have already added it) and a directory window will pop-up with a game directory and mod directory address options. Just browse to the mod folder you created and all is set. I hope that is clear, someone else might chime in if you have toubles :)

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Thanks Mfred66 that is absolutely correct but I will explain it another way so that Vark has two chances of getting started with mods.

1) Create a folder called CMBB mods in My Documents

2) Download your mods into this folder. You should have something like: My Documents/CMBB Mods/Tiger Camo. SPW 251 etc

3) Open McMMM

4) Select which game to mod. I assume your only have CMBB so there should only be one.

5) Select the directory you need:

a) For your mod directory you want MyDocuments/CMBB Mods folder

B) For you game directory you want the folder above the bmp folder. So something like: c:/programme files/cmbb. In this folder you should see folders and items such as bmp, wav, cmbb.exe, scenarios, saved games, PBEM. (Note if you are doing this in CMAK - this game has another level of folders before you see this lot.) You do not need to select the bmp folder itself.

If you get any warning messages then you have not selected the right folder, so go up or down a level and you will be correct.

If you could send me your email I could send you screen shots. I cannot post any on the forum at present because I cannot upload anything to Photobucket for some unexplained reason.

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DAF/mfred, I don't know whether to thank you or curse you! Thanks for the clear instructions, us conscripts need it simple (thats why our, understand IT, command delay is 1 day!!). Now comes the cursing, I have a house free to myself a stack of work to prepare and now the ability to mod my favourite wargame!!! Just last night I was looking at Deys winter mods when I should have been in bed, and before finally succumbing to the embrace of my quilt lay there thinking "I wonder if there is a good 43, sturm pioneer mod for the Ponyri campaign?".

Seriously, many thanks for the help, I got it half right, the Combat mission installation but now will make the mod file, as per your instructions. I have all three games (CMBO, CMBB, CMAK) in a set I bought three years ago (never seen it since), but due to historical interest and familial reasons play CMBB.

Final request, what are astrocat's infantry mods like, compare to other similar mods? I know George Mc uses them and I'm looking for winter infantry mods (telogreika, whitewashed helmets, valenki, ushanka, recognition armbands etc). See, I should be sorting out my schemes of work for genetic engineering and I'm emailing about mods, cue sound of wailing. "Why did you not leave me in my blessed ignorance?"

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The inf mods under Astrocat are Andrew Fox's (long story). The rest of Andrew Fox's mods (you will see "AF" in the mod name) can be found under his name and scattered everywhere else . . . They are all good :) Also checkout MikeyD's mods to start the vehicle modding process.

Oh, you will need to look inside mod folders as some have alternative versions of a bmp file. For example: there might be two bmp files of a tank turret, one with a decal and one without. The naming system of bmp files for both the game and McMMM recognition is purely numerical, like "3456.bmp", and the alternative version of the same file might be " 3456_ALT.bmp". Just choose which one you want and make sure its name is just numerical. I usually just open the zip and double click the bmps to view each one, then cut the file/s I want to change to the desktop and cut and paste back in after I have changed names etc.. You'll work it out.

Good to be enlightened? :D

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HMMM, As per a Frustrated Homer, in the Simpson's, urge to throw computer out of the window!! I set up the two fields as per instructions and downloaded MikeyD's rubble mod ( a small thing to see if it would work). I checked in the newly created CMBB folder and there it sat, oh goody, thought I, and proceeded to open McMMM, checking that the game directory was correct, when I selected CMBB, (the "ready to mod" pannel said ok). Alas, when I then selected unistalled mods, and new mods, it appeared, not in the new mods section but in the other files section at the bottom, which, when I tried, did not allow me to load it. Help! Someone save me from all this real work I will have to do if I cannot mod!! See, the addiction is growing and I can't get the damn syringe to work!

Sorry for being a complete idiot, I'm the person who had to learn the hard way that when you delete a file from a memory stick (one weeks work) it is forever, no recycle box, no saving throw! I carry two now, just in case.

Mfred, thanks for the heads up about astrocat, if/when I get this thing working they will be winging their way to my mod folder, does anyone make a sturm pioneer mod?

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You sir are a genius and I an idiot, well my excuse is that I have been opening alot of zip files recently and just went into automatic mode and opened it. Thanks so much DAF and mfred, this has been a "teachable moment", for me. Now, lets get modding!!

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Well two hours spent modding, it's time to start working soon, just another few, I can handle it, it's just a cold (for all you UK advert watchers in the early 80's).

A quick question, looking at the original art work and mods, numbers on afv's get transposed to mirror images on the opposite side, is this solveable? Or do I have to alter it myself, given the hastle of opening a simple modding programme I am loathe to tread that path.

p.s. Astrocat's Russian/German infantry, winter mod is just what I was looking for, and Undaunted's skies are transformative.

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The bmp for both sides of a turret are the same so the numbers appear backwards on one side. This is not solvable except if you choose numbers such as 1 that are more or less transposable.

Probably a good plan is to start with the terrain and a quick fix is to download Nissuehs terrain series because it updates everything all at once.

Then add is winter and vehicle mods as they appear in the scenarios you want to play.

Look for some good generic series MikeyD, George McCs SPW, David I for all late war German vehicles. All the infantry mods, Uncle Tgt for Russian vehicles, Pat for terrain. Phillipe for flags Vossie for terrain.

Want to spruce up your opening screens or user interface try Dark Steel by Tarkus (Der Alte Fritz) or DAFs or Uncle Tgts Mystery Vehicle Sound and get rid of that hideous grey elephant covered in question marks.

If you are feeling adventurous try sound mods from GJK or Sonofthefather. You see a little blue button to press on the mod screen and it plays the clip for you!

Need a help in seeing elevation in the terrain, try RocketMans gridded terrain or GreenAsJades HI Contrast Terrain.

Some of the CMAK mods share the same bmp numbers so you can download GreenAsJades Light Snow and Snow from CMAK and use it when you need to see the ground better in snow conditions. Get Vossies' roads as well from CMAK.

Fighting in the Crimea or the south? Try Eisenbaum's Operation Storfang for that authentic Crimean look.

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I decided to focus on two scenarios, Ponyri and the Stalingrad relief, and, as you suggested make a full mod set for both. So far my winter 42 German forces are winterised and the terrain has been given a make over, as well as markers fortifications and weapons. Their counterparts have been winterised, though I cannot find a whitewashed 76 ATG, and whose winter T-34's/T-60's etc do you use? My 43 forces have similarly been changed, but I'm sure I've seen a CMBB wire mod somewhere, which made the strands more realistic, there is a pack for CMAK/CMBO but not, it seems, for CMBB

I've found that certain terrain mods do not work together so have had to take some care and a final question there are some building mods prefaced with SPI, I down loaded one into my checking folder (created as a showcase, which I can load mods I'm not too sure about). It looked good and when downloaded was fine, but what does the SPI refer to?

Is it worth sound modding?

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Hi Vark

Look under my name (mfred) at CMMODS http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/ for the unit files I made. They will allow you to easily see which unit you mod and which ones still remain not modded.

I don't follow scenarios for modding, I just find the mods I like for each unit and apply them. To make it easy on yourself and to get a good start on modding, install the following mods and then browse for alternatives at your leisure.


MikeyD - covers most of the main vehicles for CMBB and CMAK

Andrewtf - uniforms, half-tracks

Tanks A Lot - buildings, terrain etc

Gurra - terrain

Captain Wacky - low visual grid open ground

That is a good start and then you can go on to Uncle Tgt, Pat, and DavidInglett to name only a few for another vast variety of mod options . . . You'll be a veteran by then :D

I don't use sound mods, but others enjoy them.


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Ah mfred, that's what your mod is for, might just go and download it. Niessuh's terrain package seems to be a combination of other mods, as there is no read me file is there a list of which ones he has combined? I don't want to download a terrain mod that is already in the package, for example Strontium dog's ice water.

I used the mod by scenario route to impose structure on a process that could rapidly get out of hand and I use it like a training scenario. I've also noticed fiddling with the screens brightness really transforms some mods. At the rate I'm going I doubt there will be much left unmodded, as they sit uneasily with the basic bmp models.

For me the terrain mods and the winter versions have been some of the most transformative. My units no longer skate across green acres of virtual felt, following utilitarian roads, but move across sun-baked grass or navigate along the mud 'rollercoasters. Winter battles are no longer fought between summer units, who forgot about the change in climate, but by hastily whitewashed afv's and infantry, muffled against the biting wind.

It's strange, all I have managed to do, with help from some very kind people, is to change the appearance of the game, no more, no less. The limited game engine is untouched, borg spotting and a lack of a decent command system still hamper historical scenarios, but the game seems to have a new lease of life. We humans are so easy to please/fool, now back to modding...ahem work!!

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