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How do I stop the backspace back-paging?


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I constantly use the backspace key when posting/typing but when connected to the net it frequently doesn't delete the last character but takes me back a page instead (despite there being back/forward web keys on the keyboard) normally binning the post I was working on in the process. It is infuriating to say the least and fists have nearly been launched at the screen on many an occassion. Is there a way of stopping it?

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Sounds like a problem with the software drivers for the keyboard. You might try unloading the keyboard software. It will disable the functions of the special "web browsing" keys but it may fix your problem.

If that doesn't fix it then I have no idea what the problem is. When typing in a text box such as the one I'm typing in now, the backspace key should only delete the last letter. But when I'm not in a typing box or field, then the backspace key does act like the "Back" button on the browser, this is normal.

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