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Annoying modem connection sounds

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I have noticed of late that my modem makes a rather aggravating "CLICK - CLICK,CLICK" sound through my speakers just before it starts the 'key pad' tones as the number is dialled. I'm sure it never used to do that before and would just go straight into the dial tones.

I'm aware I can turn speaker off but I have got used to listening to the tones etc for dial progress. Not sure if a driver update would have done it?

The modem is a Connexant Soft V92 SmartSpeakerphone. Any thoughts pse??

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It's quite possible that a driver update could have added those "click..click..click" sounds for a software-based modem. Each driver update is somewhat equivalent to a firmware update too (though not always). It's possible that those new sounds may be some additional procedures that the modem uses with the phone line (to detect the line signal, etc.).

However it may also be an indication of the physical layer electronics having a harder time with the phone line signal. I'm not really sure one way or the other.

If it is truly annoying or you're extremely curious, one thing to try would be to uninstall your modem drivers (but record any settings for accounts, etc.) and install a previous set that didn't seem to have the clicking sound to see if the problem may be related to the drivers or not.

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Thx. Will give it a go over the weekend. Not too annoying but never noticed it before. I still have the original drivers which came with the PC so may put those back in. In fact I don't know why I bother with modem updates because it doen't seem to affect anything (except make CLICK noises!!!).

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