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Impression of the Standalones?

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I enjoyed the Crucible mission, although I adopted the Blue forces setup a bit. Removing the Reece platoon and Scimitars, adding a battery of L118s and another platoon of infantry.

The enemy's grenade launchers are quite deadly. Probably even more dangerous than enemy tanks since GLs are much harder to spot.

The GL are a real pain. In my current play through I got lucky with them - One of my snipers paid his way when he killed one of them and mortars did for another, both of which allowed me to advance.

I'm having problems neutralising targets in buildings. It seems that no matter how much I throw at them the reds seem to survive. I got a squad onto one location last night after reducing it to rubble only to find a guy taking potshots with his AK. Guy just had a building fall on his head and he's still going. Dude must be on meth, I swear....:P

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I got the Brits module in the mail today and I loaded it up after work. I didn't have time to play it, but I did get a chance to eyeball a few scenarios. I glanced at "Full Monty" .... not bad. I have to say that the briefing for the blue side was very impressive. Almost a little too detailed in some respects but it was fully fleshed out and very well done. It was one of the best briefings I've seen on any BFC CD scenario. Map looked nice. Looked like a fun scenario to play as blue. In the Red briefing it was made ... painfully clear :) that the scenario wasn't made with Red players vs AI in mind but at least there was something there for Red as far as briefings go. It looks like Red players have more scenario options overall in the Brits module so blue vs AI exclusive scenarios aren't as big an issue as before. However, I still think that a scenario like this would be more suitable as a campaign scenario as opposed to a stand alone. I'll give it an eyeball test B+. Hopefully I'll be able to dig into the Brits module this coming weekend. Now if I could just talk my friends into at least trying out a little modern combat .....

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