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Gameplay mods?

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While faintly off-topic, I feel the need to weigh in with my opinion on just how awesome a WH40K game with CM levels of fidelity would be.

It needs to be true to the background rather than the board games, in the same way the CM tries to be true to combat in the relevant period rather than preceding games covering the same subject.

The chances of BFC ever doing is a shame, as it would be really, really awesome.

Did I mention that it would be awesome?

YES. I am 110% in favor of a BFC 40K game.

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I was around then too. That was the last big shock before the INF community dropped down to like 1-2 servers. I can't remember the names of the two guys involved right now, but they were both videoed cheating. Pretty sneaky hiding the cheat code right inside a MUST HAVE weapons mod.

See, another good reason not to allow deep modding. :D

My online name back then was [^..^]Kyle, of the Vlad Clan. Man, we had a ton of tense fun in those days. I don't want to derail the thread, but do you know what happened to the Vlad Clan? Both Vlad and myself had our first children born on the SAME day (no joke!), which means that I got SWAMPED, then my hard drive died, and no matter how I searched, I couldn't find anything dealing with the clan. My emails to official addresses have never been responded to. I miss that crew, and those times...

I am very hopeful that BlackFoot Studios can get Sky Gods and, even better, Ground Branch released. Considering that they have one of Infiltration's best contributors working on the development team, I am hopeful that everything that made Infiltration revolutionary FINALLY makes it into a commercial release.

I highly doubt that I'll have a rig that will be able to play it though, especially from the latest screencaptures found here:


Bums me out just contemplating that. :(

Oh well, back to changing diapers; have a great weekend all!


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Commercially? No.

ArmA and Operation Flashpoint both suffer from the same fundamental issues: troops that maintain their formation pretty much no matter what (oftentimes to their doom), AI incapable of handling interior spaces, no round penetration capabilities (ArmaA has a severely limited, practically useless degree of this), almost total lack of suppression effects, no stamina system that's integrated into affecting one's speed/momentum...

Ghost Recon, as solid as some of its aspects could be, just had some very silly inabilities in it, such as not being able to ever switch weapons, or gear loadouts/kits that were way too limited, no round penetration worth any note (maybe a little clipping at corners), and no stamina system integrated with movement speed/momentum.

Infiltration didn't do a whole lot with the default UT A.I. But in the big picture, they pretty much perfectly nailed the individual experience, and without having to use lame and arbitrary class-based rulesets. To this day, it had the most robust ballistics system ever, with round penetration based on the round fired, the material it was hitting, how said thick material was, and each material/round having its own range of ricochet characteristics. Playing online, players were REALLY suppressed, and desperate for finding good cover. The stamina system was robust, and completely logical. The more stuff one took, the heavier one got, the slower one could move, and the more quickly one got tired. Every time you burned through a magazine/frag, your load lightened, increasing your stamina recovery rate and allowing you to move a little more quickly. With this system, classes were NOT necessary, as every aspect was pretty much balanced by just applying Real Life consequences to one's loadout decisions.

Frags generated actual shrapnel, and if one wasn't hit by a piece of it, one wouldn't be injured by a bleeding wound. One might take some concussive damage, but it was insane how one could toss in frags and think the room "had to be" cleared, and yet there was a guy somewhat functional still moving about in there and if you got cocky about it, you were dead because of his very lucky fortune. I've read numerous accounts/interviews with veterans who recount stories how they/someone they knew got lucky with grenades detonating right on them. Virtually any title out there this is impossible to find because damage is delivered in a dumbed down fashion, that is, all damage is area-based, and not generated by actual fragmentation travel paths and the speed of the fragments when they hit an object. Infiltration modeled all of this stuff, and far more.

Vector aiming was also a big point of the game, and it's incredible to me how "natural" and "lifelike" its system was compared to having crosshairs always nailed to the center of the screen.

So, get Infiltration, and have its bots kick your fanny for a month till you get the learning curve (yeah, it's THAT steep that even UT's bots will own you for a while), and/or wait for Sky Gods or Ground Branch; one can only hope that they won't dumb it down for the masses. The masses can be educated on this stuff, but that's only if game developers stop treating us like hopeless cases. If you want to elevate the consumer, then one has to simply elevate the content that's presented to them.

Another reason why I'm sticking with CMSF when it comes to strategy titles.


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I'll have to get on to my old university mate at the GW studios (CLANG!) and see if I can find out what gives these days. I'd guess that all the computer licensing belongs to the Dawn of War guys.

The downside with my plan is that I bored everyone at uni stupid with tales of how awesome Combat Mission was. There might be a pavlovian response going on by now.

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