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Dead camel - nice touch!


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I just discovered the dead camel in the demo -- nice touch! My sniper was even able to take cover behind it (until the stench drove him away).

Are there live ones that can run amok and become "collateral damage?"

Destructible cover (trees falling over, tanks crushing fences, walls crumbling) seems well done in the game, too.

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I seem to be having this discussion with myself here, but...what the heck. A couple of small, immersive details I really appreciated seeing: Tanks really move in a way that makes them seem like heavy steel machines. When a tank stops, its chassis even rocks a bit with the momentum -- hard to describe, but look and you'll see what I mean. Also, artillery crews really work their pieces, and if you set a closer target with a more vertical trajectory for the shot, the crews elevate or depress the gun barrel correctly.

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Two blokes in the desert. Lost. No water, no food. Probably not going to last another day.

They come across a dead camel.

It's minging. Been dead for days, meat turning green and falling off. Thing is swollen up like a balloon.

First bloke says: "I'm going to die, but I'm not going to eat that."

Second bloke says: "I'm eating it mate. I don't care what is looks like, smells like or tastes like. I'm eating it."

He eats as much as he can. 2 minutes later he throws it all up again on the sand.

First bloke: "Lovely. A hot meal!"

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