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"Failed (Animate_purchases): Segmentation Violation" error

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I love this game (SC-Pacific Theatre), and wanted to see it play out longer than 1946 so I unchecked all of the Victory Scripts and changed the potential end date (using the Editor for the "Z Plan" scenario) to way past 1946.

I've gone all the way into 1956 with no problems, but in 1957 & 1958 I have had several hard crashes during the Allied AI turns when all over a sudden a Windows-like little box will come up in the middle of the screen and says "Failed(animate_purchases): Segmentation Violation" during the "Thinking" or "Placement" stage of the Allied AI. This box also has a "OK" button to push and when you push that it crashes the game.

Maybe this has something to do with my particular computer (Windows XP) instead of anything related to the Battlefront software. And I haven't installed the v1.01 patch yet (although I read all of the "readme" info about the changes and it didn't seem to mention this specific kind of error in it).

Any ideas on how to prevent this from happening? (I used to make SC2:WaW have extended dates too (through changing the Editor too), but never got this error when playing out those games).



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