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What is the best choice for mods and AI?

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Hi all,long time fan of the SC and I recently remembered hearing something of new games that came out after SC1.

To find there were a couple was a nice surprise.

My question is what is the most enjoyable to play against the AI.

(I have no internet at my house,using work comp at lunch!)

The most replaybility and a big map.I have read of good mods so I am alos interested in those.

So its is basicly SC2 + WAW +PDE

or SC Pacific right?

I was reading about the new options for Patton Drive to the East and am leaning towards that one.

I would need to get SC2 /WAW bundle before?

To tell the truth I will probably get all of them at once because I played the Pacific demo and love the way carriers and other 2 strike units work.....

Sorry if this has been asked a billion times.


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Hi Kruppt808,

The AI get's better in each new game. If you want to get PDE though you would have to get SC2, because it's the base engine for all expansions minus Pacific Theater, otherwise PDE won't work. You wouldn't need WAW to get PDE though, although you might want to get it anyways, because that's the one that came out with a lot of good things (new unit types, new activation system, etc), and it would definitely ready yourself with the changes that have happened over the years here.

Hope this helps,


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Oh by the way Kruppt808 the best choice for mods here would either be Nupermal's mod, any of mine of course :), or any of Robert Carver's mods (In particular East Asia). That’s for PT, if you want any other good mods from other games I would recommend Honch (he’s something of a godfather of mods made here).

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Hi all,long time fan of the SC and I recently remembered hearing something of new games that came out after SC1.

To find there were a couple was a nice surprise.

My question is what is the most enjoyable to play against the AI.

(I have no internet at my house,using work comp at lunch!)

The most replaybility and a big map.I have read of good mods so I am alos interested in those.

So its is basicly SC2 + WAW +PDE

or SC Pacific right?

I was reading about the new options for Patton Drive to the East and am leaning towards that one.

I would need to get SC2 /WAW bundle before?

To tell the truth I will probably get all of them at once because I played the Pacific demo and love the way carriers and other 2 strike units work.....

Sorry if this has been asked a billion times.


Nice to see a new "face"; welcome to the forum. I think PDE and PT are the best, but they're all good. Honch mods are good, and the Nupremal world mod for PT looks like it will be very enjoyable; I'm just starting a game. Scottsmm has done a lot of work making a campaign in PT that starts from Midway instead of Pearl. It's probably best as a pbem at this point, which of course doesn't work for you---unless you like hotseat solo?

Once you have tinkered with the editor for awhile, you will probably be creating your own mods :)

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I wouldn't rule out playing my mod against the AI you worked on it to after all. Kruppt808 you're more than capable of playing against the AI and getting quite a challenge regardless of the side you pick in this mod. btw SeaMonkey got steamrolled when he played the AI as Japan, in the meantime I didn't. That AI that's in place can be challenging, the only problem is Japan doesn't do what I want her to do after implementing the battle for the Aleutians. I think I'm going to move the Soryu up to Hiroshima so that Japan can launch a surprise offensive against the Americans (Japan needs one carrier near a home port to do this offensive).

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Thanks for the feeback from all of you so quickly.

In some forums its hard to get even 1 response to noobie questions.

It sounds like all the games are good so I think I'll just get them all and take the next few weeks/months/years(lol) mastering them.(or trying to master)

I will also start to DL those great mods you all have been talking about.

Thanks again for the good info.

Also does any one do multiplayer AAR's or is there a forum for that?

I love reading those,I find it gives alot of good insight into games.

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Also does any one do multiplayer AAR's or is there a forum for that?

I love reading those,I find it gives alot of good insight into games.

You will fin AAR right here! Already a few have been posted, simply look at the forum post history.

And if you ever want to play someone you can post here:


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If you’re looking for an opponent for a MOD feel free to send me your first turn as the Japanese. The mod I would like to play would be Operation Z, feel free to make any changes to the scripts, and where as your new if you need advice you could either ask me, or someone on this forum. We're usually quite helpful to everyone that we come into contact with. If you do play me in this mod you can bet that by the end of it, you will have become fairly accustomed to SC PT. btw my email is scottmmoore@verizon.net

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I wouldn't rule out playing my mod against the AI you worked on it to after all. Kruppt808 you're more than capable of playing against the AI and getting quite a challenge regardless of the side you pick in this mod. btw SeaMonkey got steamrolled when he played the AI as Japan, in the meantime I didn't. That AI that's in place can be challenging, the only problem is Japan doesn't do what I want her to do after implementing the battle for the Aleutians. I think I'm going to move the Soryu up to Hiroshima so that Japan can launch a surprise offensive against the Americans (Japan needs one carrier near a home port to do this offensive).

Did you fix the problem with the Japanese carrier wandering into the middle of the American fleet on the first turn? That was the basis for my "hedging" over playing the AI. For an Allied human player, the enemy carrier presenting itself like a Christmas gift is an advantage that most people don't require to beat the AI.

Otherwise, I agree, the AI works just fine.

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I've tried, and I've come to the conclusion that I can't get it to do that, because I think the AI wants to know what it's going up against, and because of that it needs a carrier to show all the enemy units. Effectively it's a christmas present to the Allied player, but it does give away all of his units locations, so it's not as good as it looks.

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I've tried, and I've come to the conclusion that I can't get it to do that, because I think the AI wants to know what it's going up against, and because of that it needs a carrier to show all the enemy units. Effectively it's a christmas present to the Allied player, but it does give away all of his units locations, so it's not as good as it looks.

That possibly is why this happens. I haven't seen it happen in the Midway scenario that comes with the game, however. Anyway, the human player can chose to decline this gift if he wants a more realistic/reasonable game.

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The reason why that doesn't happen is because the navy units of both nations are far apart so that can't happen. If I did that though there would be absolutely no battle for Midway, because Japan's navy would go back to their home ports while the American navy would go to Pearl Harbor. Feel free to make any changes, and test things out for yourself in the editor, but chances are you’re likely to find what I said above, as I already tried this.

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