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AAR - One Day at a time

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Just played thrue the scenario "One day at a time" and was smart enough to write it down and prepare it for an ARR, so here it is. Its my first written AAR so bear with me :P

One day at a time

Mission: Patrol the streets of the village; make contact with police Check point.

Decision: patrol with the 2 humwee upfront, dragging the platoon in MTVR in the rear until contact is made or entering village. Dismounting outside village and patrol on foot thru village.

Turn 1

the 2 humwees of Pvt Butare and CPL Heverly moved up front to the forest edge overlooking the entrance to the village, no contact made yet.


The patrol begins... PVT Butare in the lead with CPL Heverly dragging


Moving up the platoon in MTVRs.


PVT Butare moved from the forest up to the wall, but when coming half-way he got engaged from the right side forest, started to return fire but was knocked out by a Grenade, contact was made with 2 Technical’s. All 3 inside PVT Butares humwee was casualties.


Decision: to dismount Platoon in the forest to the right and clear out those Technical’s.

During this move the platoon dismounted, a brief contact with one technical was made but lost almost instantly.


Pissed of Devildogs dismount to revenge PVT Butares crews death!


during the advance thru the woods 5th Squad got a HMG burst over its head and ducked for cover will continue the advance in Turn6.


Rifleman from 1st Squad A-team got hit from a MG burst from the technical’s, seconds later the whole platoon lighted the 3 technical’s up and whacked them with SAWs, M16s and Six-packs. The wounded soldier is a serious wounded and buddy aid was started the same turn, holding the platoon in its positions until the soldier is cas-evaced to support the evac.


Buddy aid to a fallen comrade - the most honorable thing a Marine can do


nothing happened during Turn7, still cas-evacing the wounded soldier from 1st Squad.


Cas-evac finished during this turn, my decision now is to send 1st squad over the open field to make sure the technicals are in fact taken out, the platoon will support from locations they are in now.


When 1st Squad left the forest edge they immediately came under fire from MG fire far away. Turns out there are technical’s on the left side hilltop witch 1st Squad A-team engages, resulting in the technical’s driving away. I will continue to push 1st Squad over the open fields.


1st Squad got to the Knocked out technical’s without casualties, however they did come under AK fire from the village, so apparently Insurgents have had the time to take the village under control as well, changing this patrol to counter-insurgent operation.


Decided to send 5th squad into the open to engage that hilltop with 83mm grenades.

While 5th Squad was moving up 1st Squad A-team established contact with one of the technical’s and started suppressing it with SAW.


the suppressive fire from 1st Squad A-team worked, forcing the technical to evade, sending it right into CPL Heverlys Ma Deuce and the intense fire from 4th Squad A-teams M240 and 3rd Squads SAWs, forcing the insurgents to leave the vehicle.


5th Squad started suppress the left side hill with 83mm, but themselves came under un-observed fire from the village. Resulting in me now ordering them to pull back and re-arm from the trucks while I send 2nd and 3rd Squad forward to the walls of the compound.


A weary sad minute for the platoon, during the advance to the wall a random MG burst from the hill hit Team leader Crafts from 3rd Squad C-team, injuring him badly in the open, making it impossible to retrieve him at the moment. At the same time 4th Squad B-team lost its ammo hauler to un-observed AK fire from within the Compound, he as well turning dangerously wounded in the open. The lack of smoke-lying mortars have already taken its toll from the platoon.


1st Squad finally observed where the un-observed AK fire was coming from, 3 insurgents spotted on the 2nd floor of a 2 story building, which quickly was engaged to cover the platoon HQ crossing of the open. Considering the amount of Civilians in this village I’m not keen on open fire on suspected locations.


4th Squad B-team with only 2 men left are now setting up their M240 and laying down suppressive fire on that buildings 2nd floor to hold down the insurgents while the rest of the platoon’s elements are crossing the open plains.


5th Squad has now replenished their ammo and I’m sending one team to help 3rd Squad breach the compounds wall and one team to 1st Squad to help suppress the insurgents.

I’m also moving CPL Heverlys humwee closer to the compound to enable him to support 2nd Squads advance left along the compound wall.


during 1st squads suppressing fire of the 2story building a stressed Marine decided to fire of a M72 to blow up the building, however he hit the technical car in front of him making it explode. Fortunly nobody in the squad was hit by shrapnel but the whole squad did take cover for the rest of the minute shouting weary unfriendly words to the FNG who fired of the M72. Meanwhile CPL Heverly with his humwee hunted along the road almost up to the entrance of the center part of the compound.


Whats happens when you give a FNG* a M72? well this! (FNG: ****ing New Guy)


While CPL Heverly advanced with he’s humwee to the entrance he received MG fire, shortly spotting 2 technical’s on the left side hill which he swiftly engaged with he’s ma deuce, knocking out one technical and started engaging the 2nd one.

The 2 teams from 5th Squad made it safely across the open fields.

On a side note, 2nd Crew from the MTVR platoon decided that the wounded soldier from 2nd Squad couldn’t lie on its place and die and decided to run to his help, and is now cas-evacing the soldier.


CPL Heverly engaging technicals on the hill, CPL Heverlys crew sure performed well over expectations this day.

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CPL Heverly knocked out also the 2nd Technical, now leaving only 1 unsure left on that hill. Meanwhile 2nd Squad crossed into the compound, directly taking fire from a small house, stopping and engaging with small arm and one M72.


A and B Teams/2nd Squad starts to engage with suppressive fire and smoke so that C-team can cross and get into one of the buildings. CPL Heverly is also ordered to move up to help with suppressive fire from the ma deuce.


M136 saves the day! - in firefights there is no such thing as over-violence

After PVT Crafts 3rd Squad/C-team cleared the first house on the left side SGT Chaney with 3rd Squad A-team is now preparing to move into the first house on the right side. However a quick contact was made on the right side thru the trees so CPL Heverly will area fire that building to give SGT Chaney a good covering fire.

On the right side of the area 1st Squad moved 50m away from the burning technical incase it explodes again so we don’t get any casualty’s from a burning technical.

5th Squad A-team put a HEDP in the building with 2 floors that 4th Squad have been suppressing and is now zeroed in on the building if any more insurgents fires from that position.


Advancing in cover of Smoke and Ma Deuce


When 2nd Squad with 5th Squad/B-team breached the wall and cleared the building next to it, the building turns out to be occupied by insurgents. In the ensuing firefight 3men got seriously wounded and 2 more got lightly wounded during the short intense firefight.

as enemies was located as well in a nearby building 5th squad/B-team is now ordered to hit that building with 83mm.

On the other end of the village the occupation of the house on the right went on without problems or enemies showing themselves.


On the right side of the village with 2nd Squad not much happened, 5th Squad dumped a few 83mms into the building next to it and is now prepared to cover (along with 2nd Squad) 1st Squads taking of that building.

On the main entrance on the other hand hard activity spurred up, including a technical with Recoilless rifle on, witch from a grenade detonated in front of CPL Heverlys humwee seriously wounded the gunner. Insurgents started to fire on 3rd Squad from 3 different direction and 3rd Squad used up a number of M72s to get fire suppuroity. My goal now is to get a MG team into the 2 store building closes to the first house on the left to get a better fire arc for them.


1st Squad closing in on the wall with 5th Squad SMAW blastering the next building


While 1st Squad crossed the open plain towards the house 2 more insurgent groups opened up, hosing down fire on 1st Squad, luckily only one man went down seriously wounded, the rest of the squad could continue to the house and clear it from remaining enemies and after that picked up the firefight with help from 2nd Squad

on the center


hard battles continue this turn, in the center 4th Squad/A-team and 3rd Squad/B-team engaged a technical with MG and M72 fire, knocking it out fast with numerous M72 hits.

Shortly thereafter several RPG grenades started to hit the building that they occupied, resulting in one lightly wounded from 3rd Squad. The smoke from the launcher has been observed and the teams will area fire the building next turn.

CPL Heverly moved up with he’s humwee and started a duel with another technical with recoilless rifle on. 3rd Squad/A-team used a M136 to put an end on the sporadic fire from a house nearby, and it seems to work as no more fire have poured out from that building yet.

On the right side of the village nothing happened, a short fire break with nobody firing at each other.


Nothing really happened this turn, on both sides area fire was used to suppress buildings that once contained Insurgents, unfortunly a M72 hit a building nearby that haven’t shown signs of Insurgents, I do hope no civilians was in that building.

One of the MTVR have now moved up to the breaching point on the right side and are now tasked as forward resupply unit, first in are the 5th Squads B-team who expanded allot of rounds during earlier fights.


2nd Squad A-team and 1st Squad C-team tooked 2 more buildings on the right side of the compound. A 2nd MTVR has moved up to center gate and is prepared to act as forward resupply point there. Squad/A-team and 3rd Squad/B-team once again got into a heavy firefight as the building which contained the RPG gunner turned “live” with the building next to it as well, however as the insurgents on the other building was fighting from a flat roof they were soon whipped out. I start to feel a bit worried about managing to clear the compound within the allocated timeframe but I don’t want to stress forward either as that would mean unwanted casualty’s to my platoon.


Nothing new during this turn except that a new technical showed up and disappeared somewhere where the other 2 have been engaged in the village.

I’m now in a face of resupply and reorganize the platoon, after the initial confusion I’m now sorting up and giving AOs to the squads, 3rd Squad on the left of the village road, 2nd Squad on the right side of the village road and 1st Squad on the far right side. I will send a SMAW team to 3rd Squad so they can use 83mm grenade support as both SMAW teams right now are on the right side of the platoon.


No firefight on any place of the line this turn, only movements was done, mostly from the reorganization of the platoon as mentioned before. 1st squad have now occupied a building on the far side of the road, giving a good breaking in point for the next block of houses to be cleared, they have 5th Squad B-team and 4th Squad A-team as support. 5th Squad A-team is soon with 2nd Squad wich just have replenished their M136 and M72s.


during 3rd Squad/B-teams searching of the small buildings on the far left a contact was made with insurgents in the building they have been fighting from before, now the whole 3rd Squad was in position together with the MG from 4th Squad to plaster the building and the enemy fire stopped short after that.

on the right side 1st squad have encountered insurgents in the building that got hit by mistakes before, and heavy firefight have started, will push teams from 1st Squad in bounding overwatch to clear that area as soon as possible. Meanwhile HQ platoon have taken care of the 2 casualty's outside the door and making sure they get cas-evaced.


1st Squad/A-team have taken another building on the far right side, no insurgents found. SMAW and MG is now moving up to support 1st Squad betther.

in the center 2nd Squad have started to clear out the center block without any contacts so far. I have ordered 5th Squad/B-team to send a 83mm grenade into a building wherefrom small arms fire have been located without getting any positive ID of the insurgents. Hopefully this will make the insurgents think twice about opening up again.


1st Squad continued its house clearing when suddenly a insurgent squad of 5 men stormed thrue the far gate into the compound, indicating the enemy is getting reinforcements. All 5 men was shot down in the street by members of 1st Squad.

on the rest of the platoons AO nothing new happened, 2nd Squad still getting in betther positions, 5th Squads B-team missed their grenade and hit a civilian building. I have now given them order to regroup to 2nd Squads 2 store building along with 4th Squads MG team.


members from 4th Squad tryes to stop insurgents from entering the compound with M240.


1st Squad was holding taken terrain, resting up, reloading etc. Meanwhile 2nd Squad crossed the street with B-team when the technical engaged them with MG and lightly wounded the SAW gunner. I still don’t have a clear line to engage that technical and it starts to become a nail in my eye as it restricts movement pretty good.

In the building that 5th Squad B-team was supposed to suppress insurgents have now been confirmed and firefights between the insurgents and 2nd Squad have raged over this turn.

For 3rd Squad more insurgents popped up in a building where firefights have been going before, 1 insurgent confirmed kill without own losses.


Finally the SMAW from 5th Squad B-team could get a visual on the technical and with 1 round knocked it out. 3rd Squad tooked the opportunity to advance and clear another building.

1st Squad tooked another building but at the same time discovered 2 more insurgent squads entering the compound and managed to infiltrate into the buildings.

4th Squad/A-team started to engage them as well but without proper LOS they didn’t manage to take anyone down. Now I have reinforcements to worry about as well. Need to get to the 2 store building ifront so I can suppress the road/gate into the compound with fire.


SMAW putting an end to the technical

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More intense fighting continued for the whole platoon as 3rd and 1st Squad advanced while 2nd Squad put up a firebase. I ordered the SMAW from 5th Squad/B-team up to the roof wich soon payed of as one well aimed 83mm put the end to a firefight raging between advancing 3rd Squad and insurgents in the building where AK sounds have been located before.


SMAW putting an end to a firefight with one HE hit

1st Squad/B-team found itself in a western shootout when advancing suddenly found a squad of insurgents doing the same resulting in a duel between the 2 groups with the Devildogs as winners without any casualty's and the whole insurgent squad annhilitated.


Western style duel situation with the Devildogs coming out on top


No contacts this turn, 3rd Squad tooked another 2 buildings, 1st Squad /A-team tooked another one as well. I will let 3rd Squad take the last 2 buildings before sending 2nd Squad forward to take the 2 store building beside the main road.


1st Squad tooked another 2 buildings without opposition, however seconds later they spotted and engaged a squad on 3 men on the roof of the last building in this block and shoot them all down.

3rd Squad have now taken the last 2 buildings in their “block” without opposition so now 2nd Squad can take the 2 store building to own the road/gate into the compound.


1st Squad/B-team moved and cleared the last building in their block, wich gaved them clear view of the gate, and discovered 2 insurgents trying to infiltrate into the compound, slaying both of them with fire from 5.56

meanwhile 2nd Squad started to take the 2nd Store building. I now feel confident I have beaten the insurgents and only mopping up operation is left until I can move on on the Police station (obj 2)

Turn 39

2nd Squad finished taking the 2store building without any insurgents encountered. 3rd squad B-team started to check a few buildings on the far left side with the remaining 2 teams and CPL Heverlys humwee in support.

With this move the insurgents realized they lost the battle and throwed their AKs and RPGs away and tooked of their camoflauge cloths melting into the civilian population again, until next time.

This day ended in a victory for the Occupation forces but we sustained 4 dead and 7 wounded, wich is a bit to much if we gonna be able to keep these patrols up ewery day.

Overall im proud over my Marines and especially their agresivnes shown and the M240s and SMAWs aid in the battles.


/Plt Leader2nd Lt Durant

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