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assaulting italy/sicily from NA

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it is summer 43, playing sc2 waw as allies against human pbem

took NA and want to assault italy/sicily

can i get a port in southern italy or sicily prior to killing the italian army in either of these cities? i realize in most instances you can get the port by having infantry on both sides of the port despite a city next to the port but it is hard to tell on the hexes. don't want to amphib guys over only to get cut off cause they can't get a port for supply

i also took the italian port/island south of marseille and the city south of yugoslavia

he has italian fighter, bomber in mts, special forces in rome, two corp on sicily, army in brindisi (or whatever that city is on souther italy)...........he has no navy except one destroyer

what about landing corps in norther italy to cut the rail lines to avoid german reinforcement??

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VC if you want an enemy port for supply you must first vanquish all his forces from any adjacent tiles and then land one of your own amphibs.

The port will then change colors(the efficiency rating) and it will become yours to use. Remember, this is a prime time for your opponent to launch strategic attacks on the port and accompanying city(if be there) to reduce your supply.

So...make sure you have plenty of support forces available for dealing with the enemy counterattacks or your shore forces are toast.

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well the question was actually on the assumption that i would not 'vanquish' his corp or army in the city on the first turn

i thought that for some ports you could take the port without taking the attached city if you landed on two hexes bordering the port??

for example in sicily my opponent has a lvl 1 inf corps in the city and one in the mountain below............is there a way to land forces and capture the port even if you dont kill the guy right off

otherwise, im thinking i may have to build up the tac bombers so they may be able to take him down sufficiently to make a sure kill, and/or the bombers to cut supply by bombing out the souther itialian city leading to sicily

i have huge naval and air superiority right now so shouldn't be a problem but like you said i dont want to jump the gun and get a bunch of guys stuck out there with no supply

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You can seriously simplify your invasion of Italy by just following Clausewitz.

#1 Pick an objective

#2 build everything toward getting that objective

#3 take the objective

So for Italy tons of land power tons of air.

#4 pick your next objections

#5 repeat #1-#4

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thanks seamonkey, just wasn't sure if it was like some of the other ports with attached cities that can be taken by getting forces on either side of the port, without taking the city, and then you get supply

guess my initial question wasn't specific enough


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also, along the lines of this type of scenario

if a leader is amphibed along with army/corps/etc but there is no port access for the leader to get supply, will it improve the supply of the units attached to him??

i thought i saw a post along those lines but it may have beeen sc or sc2 not waw??

reason im asking is it would be annoying to land a large amount of units and have all my units go to supply 0 the next turn, if i don't eliminate the enemy controlling the port, and have them get wasted


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Without an available resource(port/city) the leader's max supply is 5. For every AP cost of tile the unit is in distance from the leader, the subsequent supply of the unit is reduced.

So adjacent clear tile to leader, yields 4 supply to occupying unit, two clear tiles away(counting the tile the unit is occupying)=3, 2 clear(1AP/each)+one swamp(2AP) 3 total/4 AP cost = 1 supply, etc.

Count from the Leader to the unit, counting the tile the unit is occupying. Always start the count from the supply source, but do not include the tile the source occupies.

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