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Bombers and deentrechment

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Not sure if this has come up in the past

Playing sc waw v 1.02 pbem and vs computer (i know there are updates but our pbem games are slow)

Bomb targets that are entreched with allied lvl 2 bombers such as Gibraltar, Malta and when i mouse over the target the entrech value is not being reduced, however when i hit Malta with a stuka then mouse over target then the entrech is reduced

Dont bombers reduce entrechment??


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Srategic bombers do reduce entrenchment,but they are better at lowering morale.I believe you actually have to hit the unit in question in order to reduce its entrenchment level thats why your Malta attack(using tac.bomber)reduced its entrenchment level.Heavy bombers arent that good at hitting actual units unless they have some upgrades.

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VC there's a difference in de-entrenchment for fortifications(made by engineers) and fortresses(permanently on the map).

You guessed it, it takes a direct attack on the unit occupying the fortress to reduce the entrenchment level. Bombers attack the infrastructure(supply efficiency) of fortresses and not the unit, although there is a chance for a strength reduction due to collateral damage from the bombing.

In other types of terrain, including fortifications, but excluding MPP producing cities/resources and fortresses, a bombing attack will reduce the entrenchment level by 2 for each attack.

Just remember, Bombers attack infrastructure(MPP producers) first and TAC or Fighters attack the unit occupying the tile, therefor reducing the entrenchment level of that unit.

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wow, i did not know that.........thank you.....thought it may be a glitch

ive been experimenting with attacking Malta on the human vs computer game to use on my pbem nemesis in the future

by the way, if you head into spain/gibraltar, and try to take out malta after conquering france, it seems nearly impossible to have enough guys on the eastern front in time for '41 barby

on scwaw vs computer, i tried the turn 2 attack of Belguim (operating 1/2 axis from poland), took France by july '40 along with Denmark and Norway. Then opd 2 stukas, 2 bombers, 3 fighters to southern italy and majority of armies/tanks to spain along with leaders for each group and left bock in france.

took both spain and malta but was way to late getting back to eastern front

how the heck do you get spain and malta and still get leaders with enough guys on the eastern front in time for june '41 barby........seems impossible

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It may have been better for you to focus all your airfleets on Spain and take it quick.Once you seize Gibralter then Malta is that much easier to take and the Brits.start to have an overall supply problem.You could also just take Spain and forget about Malta.Attack Russia in 41 and during that first winter turn operate the necessary forces to wipe out Malta.By this time your airfleets will have gained some experience and will be that much deadlier when they attack Malta.

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