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Cooperative Gameplay, When?.


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It's all a matter of prioritization. We can put in a ton of wildly different features into the game engine for the same time it would take to do just CoPlay. Since we have lots of things we still want to add, and need to add (like water, bridges, etc.), CoPlay is not a good investment of our time right now. It doesn't have anything to do with the concept of having CoPlay because if we could snap our fingers and have it in the game tomorrow we would.

As I've said over and over again... it comes down to limited resources and limited customer base. If we really thought CoPlay would dramatically increase our customer base we would probably prioritize CoPlay more. It would still not be on the top of our priority list, but it would be closer to it. However, we do not think CoPlay will add much to our customer base. Some, certainly, but not in proportion to the expense of creating it. A military client could change that equation dramatically by providing us with resources to make CoPlay for them, which in turn means we don't care if it adds even a single commercial customer since it would not cost us anything out of pocket.


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