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EVERY...SINGLE...TIME the subject of bodies/death/casualties comes up we have to go through this stupid friggin' conversation.

CplSteiner asked for casualty markers to be allowed in the editor...that's it...nothing more.

So it's a yes or no answer not a friggin' Thesis on the particular reasons why everyone doesn't want to see flopping dismemberment.

last time the "flying body parts" controversy came up was when the guy wanted to know if we'd have dudes falling down instead of snapping to attention and gliding to the ground like in CMX1. Turned into another whinefest about gobs of flying gore.

Anyways, count me in for placing casualties in the editor, I've asked for this a number of times.


P.S. And for the record, those guys lying on the ground don't always represent dead bodies...they also represent severely wounded...

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I actually think that if one goes back and carefully rereads my post one will see that in the end it takes a neutral position on the matter. I can understand and appreciate all sides of the argument, and all of the concerns involved.

I initially voiced my support for the desired feature for mission editing, and then went into explaining why I held the views I do on the degree of depiction.

It wasn't intended to rile anybody up.

I think that my observation in regards to how CM depicts the human side of combat is altogether more horrific than any level of gore that I've seen in a first person shooter is still an accurate statement, and an observation that I haven't seen pointed out in any of the threads that I've read. I thought that it needed to be said and so I simply said it.

No offense meant.


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That wasn't aimed at you man, I was just speaking in general. The history of this controversy goes all the way back to CMBO. Somehow casualty has always equaled horror, severed limbs and gore whenever it's mentioned...actually this thread was pretty tame!

No worries and no offense was taken.


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I'm so cool I peed an ice cube.

And I agree CM has always helped display a sense of horror without having to go over board. Anytime I've seen a tank hit (in either series) and nobody emerges, my brain goes totally into horror mode. Especially if it bursts into flames.

The casualty markers/bodies in CMSF I love...at a glance I can see where all the hard fighting took place and how much it cost without having to calculate like in CMX1 where it was 1 for 12 or 4 or 6 man teams, or what have you. You always knew where the last man dropped but never the rest.

Bodies for the editor could definitely help tell a story in a scenario especially in the WWII game if not in CMSF itself. All they have to do is look like the ones we have now.


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