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Question on the "ally" campaign in stock game


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I am playing the stock game version, i.e. with latest UeberPatch but without any mod, obtained from BF through download directly.

Looking into the Missions folders and sub-folders to print some maps, i found in the ally directory the trace of a mission named "Torgau" (U011_Torgau.tga) but there is no corresponding sub-directory as is the case for other missions of the campaign (e.g. U007_Falaise). Is Torgau a kind of phantom mission that has not been included in the final version of the game ?

I have also the same question - doubled, so to speak - considering the numbering of the missions that goes from U001 to U011, but without any U009. So, where is my number 9 ?

Thanks in advance for any light - though I am still able to sleep at night.



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Thank you Sneaksie, makes sense.

While we are on the US/UK campaign, I am somewhat surprised by getting victory while it does not seem I have reached all my objectives :

In Falaise I mopped up and took the hamlet in the valley (objective 1) but then decided not to go for a direct assault for objective 2 (eliminating all enemy defensive positions on high ground). I chose instead to attack the cliff on the right. After having taken the trench there, I saw the expected counter-attack, with tanks and infantry. I was able to destroy or at least disable all the tanks. As soon as the last enemy tank had been killed I had the victory message although the second trench was still occupied by German infantry, together with one or two AT guns at least, and some other infantry squads were on the verge of the map.

In the next mission, Arras I think, I got the victory message after having killed the last enemy soldier in the settlement in the centre of the map, just after having seen a message informing me I had also eliminated some defense position near a bridge at the end of the map (objective 2) - a place I had not come near to in any way !

Of course I prefer this situation rather than the frustration of the French campaign where some of the maps had to be combed for the last remaining enemy before victory could be granted - and I never saw it for the last mission : not a German soldier on the playable map and still no victory. However I would be thankful for some hint on what may be going amiss.

Thanks in advance and regards,


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