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freezing up during play

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Gentlemen, I just recieved the game in the mail and was able to play thru the small training mission at the beginning however everytime I play any of the other mission the game freezes up within the first 3 or 4 turns...it also freezes up when when I use the [ and ] to zoom...I have tried everything; 600X480 (on desktop and in game), turned off trees and weather/fog, horizon at 1000, 2 man squads....my system; Pent 200+MMX (Intel 82439HX proc/Intel 82371SB PCI), new intellimouse (bought yesterday, enabled and disabled software), 64 meg ram, 16 speed Hitachi CD ROM, S3 Virge 325 PCI adapter, more than 50% free space on HD, Monster 3D video card (Voodoo), DirectX 7a, CM 1.04, new drivers in everything....what can be the problem?...thanks

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I've experienced the same problem (and tried many of the same adjustments). Running AMD K6 450, Voodoo 3 2000 (v1.04), 64 meg RAM, DirectX 7a. I am running at 800x600, I did not experience this problem with the demo version (which, admittedly, I was running at 640x480).

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Guest Big Time Software

Two things are suspect here:

1. Voodoo 3. The Voodoo3 engineers have located a bug in their latest drivers that affects CM, especially in higher resolutions.

2. Limited RAM. I see you both have 64 MB. Is there a way you can try to maximize this, say by quitting ALL other programs, even ones you may not be aware are running? A utility called EndItAll is useful for this.


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Where can I find a copy of EndItAll? I have had none of the other problems indicated in other posts (white out) related to my Voodoo card. In fact, the graphics themselves are quite impressive at all levels. I do suspect the limited RAM may be the most likely culprit.

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The updated drivers issues is bogus. My home system is a relatively new Gateway with PII450, 384 megs Ge Force card, blah blah blah. I have all the updated drivers for my sound card, GEForce and have the latest DirectX version. I still get the freeze up after about 10 minutes of playing.

At work I tried the game on my old p266 with Win 95 with 128megs and drivers from at least 2 and a half years ago, and the game runs fine.

Oh and I wish techinical support was as prompt reponding to my problem as they were processing my credit card for the order.

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daredevil - you don't seem to have any previous postings, so I don't know what your beef is with BTS responding slowly to your requests for Tech Support.

Charles is the person who does both the programming and Tech Support for BTS (sometimes Steve helps with tech stuff too). So he has a lot to do and can't solve every problem that crops up on this forum in 10 minutes.

Is there anything (other than the approx. 10 minute time-frame) that is consistant about your lockups (i.e. - does it happen during turn playback, issuing orders, etc.) ? Have you attempted to use EndItAll to kill other processes on your computer (other than Explorer & Systray) before launching CM ? Is there anything that isn't "stock" on your Gateway ? Since you mention a GeForce card I assume that is something that you've added. Have you updated the BIOS for your Gateway ? What is your source for your drivers - Gateway or the manufacturer's/3D Tech sites ? Are you overclocking anything, including the video card ? When the game locks up do you notice any disk activity on the computer (suggesting a possible problem when attempting to save an autosave file).

What chipset is your motherboard based on ? If it is a non-Intel chipset do you have the drivers installed for its AGP support. Some cards and their drivers have problems with non-Intel chipsets sometimes. The chipset vendor's AGP drivers can usually help alleviate these problems.

A number of motherboard BIOSs don't have the following option or don't allow for a low enough setting to possibly remedy the problem... Is there an AGP Aperture or Graphics Aperture setting in your CMOS/BIOS settings that you could reduce to 8Mb or less ? This has worked for a couple of people, but this option usually isn't completely supported in many BIOSs.

What sound card are you using ? Do you happen to know if it is sharing an IRQ with your GeForce ? If it is, then this may cause a problem.

[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 08-22-2000).]

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apcall - What version of the Voodoo drivers are you running ? Are you running the Diamond Monster drivers ?

Diamond Monster 3D Drivers:


This is an FAQ for the Monster 3D. You may want to check your memory address of your Monster in the Device Manager as an example of one thing to check:


3dfx Reference Driver (Voodoo Graphics; 4-29-99):


To use the Reference driver you should uninstall the Diamond Voodoo drivers. The latest drivers are considered "Quake 3" compatible.

When you selected your resolution was it the "Primary Display" or something else (for your Voodoo) ? If the resolution was listed as Primary Display then you (I guess) would be running on your S3 325 PCI card (for which DirectX 7.0a would have the latest drivers). You would probably want to use the Voodoo for CM's display (if you're not already).

Just in case you want to experiment (but S3 doesn't always do a really good job on their drivers):

S3 Virge (325) drivers (5-13-99; v.


I'd probably suggest staying with your current Virge/325 drivers.

What sound card are you running ?

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apcall - here are the latest drivers from Creative for the AWE32, though I don't know if they are any newer than what may come with DirectX 7.0a.

Creative AWE32 Win9x drivers (read readme.txt):


However, I don't think that these files will actually help in regards to your problem, which seems to be video oriented. Which set of drivers are you running for the Monster 3D ? Is it enabled for DirectX (I assume it is) ? Have you adjusted/experimented with any settings of your Monster card (in the Display Control panel, I believe) to see if this helps with your lockups ?

Is your Monster 3D sharing any IRQs with another device ? You can check in Control Panel > System control panel > Device Manager tab > double click on "Computer" and you will get a tabbed dialog box with IRQ usage listed. Scroll through the list and find your Monster/Voodoo card and see if another device is using that IRQ also (ignore "IRQ Holder for PCI Steering"). If it is sharing an IRQ, then this may cause a bit of a problem when the Monster 3D needs to do a log of calculating.

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I tried contacting the developer tech support that is displayed when you click on "support" listed above and stated my case. Nothing ever came of it. I got an initial response that blamed the drivers. When I wrote back that I had updated drivers there was no reply.

It is an insult to suggest that the consumer has to go through techno-gymnastics to get a game to run. Especially when they have paid full price for a product that should be expected to work. Furthermore, I have had no problems with any other games that I am running.

For all of the potential conflicts I may have on my newer system, I probably have 10 times more on the older system. First I wasn't experienced/knowledgable enough to update everything when I used my old system exclusively. I added memory and a video card without updating my BIOS, and never had any freeze ups of any games.

On my newer system I have been pretty meticulous, updating everything and even reformatting my hard drive and reinstalling Win 98 because I install/unistall so many games on my system. Upon advice of technical minds far more advanced than mine I was told not to touch the BIOS unless I had a specific technical problem, which I do not have.

It's ludicrous to suggest performing myriad tasks to get one game to run.

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I am having the same freezing/lockup problem with the game. I am running a Dell Dimension 300Mhz with Win98-2, a Monster Video card, AWE64 sound card, 64 MB RAM, and plenty of hard drive space. I have not had a problem with any game running on this system, including some recent "Hardware Hogs" like Half-Life, Diablo II and System Shock 2. I have to agree with daredevil that it is disturbing to have to consider so many possibilities to enable your software to function properly. I will try re-installing and running in software only mode but I would rather hear that you have resolved the problem from your end. I understand that there are countless systems out there to try and be compatible with, but again, I've had no other problems in this area recently. Updating my video driver and DirectX has had no effect.

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gburg59 - This is the unfortunate state of PCs and PC games (I bet that Microsoft's XBox never makes it or gets really bad reviews or developers abondon it). They push the hardware and make a number of calls that drivers may not support sometimes. Even new cards can have drivers that don't support all calls correctly. Do you know if any of the games that you run use DirectX or are they all OpenGL or GLIDE-based ?

Lock ups are always hard to diagnose. Since many systems run fine without this problem I wouldn't blame CM's code. Charles can't account for all the variety of hardware out there. Most of the big companies can't either. This isn't something as simple as fixing a few lines of code and you no longer have a problem (such fixes are pretty rare). Often drivers, other software or combinations of hardware and drivers can cause untold incompatibilities.

I believe that there are other people on the forum who are using a Diamond Monster 3D. I don't know the number of problems these particular people are having. A number of people have opted to get upgrades on their hardware (though not specifically Monster 3D owners). Do you know if your Monster 3D is providing the 3D for DirectX ? What is your primary video card ? Do you have updated drivers for it ? Sometimes IRQs can become an issue.

You are going to have decide whether CM is worth the extra configuration (and possible new hardware) or not. There will probably be no simple fix.

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Guest Big Time Software


Are you running the latest DirectX? Version 7.0a is the latest. If not, get it from www.microsoft.com.

Also, you should try quitting ALL background processes. Quit other programs and try using a utility called "EndItAll". Several people have used that with success.


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