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Making a scenario: tips and other goodies

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hey all,

Decided to try my hand at designing some maps and creating some battles and I am encountering a few issues.

1. My current map is an Axis Attack. During some play testing.. and I'm doing me versus the A.I, Russian troops that I put in defensive positions (also hiding) decide to unhide and charge forward even though they are no enemies in sight. I tried this on no fog of war so I don't know if thats what causing it since the A.I can also "see" my troops.

2. For the defensive side, I want to add reinforcements... but when they arrive they just hang around the reinforcement marker area, which is right on the edge of the map... should I move it out farther or is their placement and movement dependant on what kind of battle, probe, meeting engagement, etc..

3. What sort of features make a good map? I know that this question is entirely subjective, but I'm also looking for some tips and other goodies (as the thread title suggests) to make decently enjoyable and playable maps.

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One thing to be aware off - flags attract the AI. So if a flag is undefended the AI will move towards it, even if defending.

If no flags in your scenario then the AI will go looking for trouble IF you make it an AI attack/probe/assault/meeting engagement type scenario.

1/check the game parameters in the editor - is the game set for the Soviet to defend?

2/see 1/ and see comment above.

3/Realistic looking maps! http://www.battlefront.com/community/images/smilies/biggrin.gif


You checked out The Proving Grounds - lot's of hints and tips there on making scenarios. Even a research bit.

Hope this helps

Cheers fur noo


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Mal --

For number 3 -- when just starting to figure out how to use the editor, start small and basic. It will take some trial and error to get things right. For getting the AI to do what you want it to, consider that the AI behavior is very basis and not "smart" on any level what-so-ever. Playing with FOG off for the AI changes its behavior significantly. Don't test with FOG off. To see what the AI is doing, surrender often. Play a few turns, save and surrender.

As for for what makes a good map or a good scenario... don't worry about it. Design first for yourself. If it is the type of map or scenario you would enjoy playing, you will have more interest in designing it and putting the effort in to make it work correctly.

Head over to TPG for testing. Folks over there will be glad to help if you help others in return.

Good luck.

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