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Where's ThePhantom?

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Hello Handihoc

I'm working on a new one. Just give me time. Yabadabadoo is coming :rolleyes:

However, I'm having a hard time figuring out which one I like more, CMSF or "Uber" TOW. I enjoy the brutal firefights in CMSF. Modern warfare is the best setting - But, I like the grunt view in TOW. When you hit a tank, pieces fall off it.... I love that. Then the guys try to bail out and you drop them too! Both games are just too cool. What one do you stick with? That's the question.

If the Marine patch comes out? The answer is Shock Force by far. I can't wait to have my little digital Marine 0311s rocking the city of Ba Bado on my wife's stereo setup. Neighbors will be complaining about the noise. With me yelling Ooh Rah!

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Yeah, the vehicle damage modelling in ToW is a great plus, I agree. And I'm a longtime WW2 gaming fan, but something about CMSF really does it for me - which slightly surprises me as I had no great interest in the theatre when it was in development. It's become the one I reach for most instinctively, like a good single malt. ToW, for all it's merits, still has something of a slightly gamey feel to it in comparison to the gritty realism of SF. And you still can't enter the damn buildings!

The Marine module will no doubt increase my enthusiasm, whilst adding to my growing bank of newfound knowledge about contemporary warfare. And, being a Limey, I'm looking forward to the Brit module with great relish. And then there'll be WW2 . . . Oh my lord!

Anyway, good to know you're still around and yabadabadoo-ing. Rock on!

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What do you think of the two editors? With TOW, I'm making a good infantry (Company size) mission. Only light armor allowed. Trying to get the enemy force to do exactly what I want is time consuming. However, I enjoy it. With CMSF it's easier to get everything the way you like it, plus you can have variations of the original plan. I'm still stuck on what one I want to put my time in.

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I haven't looked at the editors - not yet even considered designing a scenario 'cos I'm having too much fun playing yours, and other designers'!

Plus, I'm quite limited for time. It tends to be 45minutes or so play at a time before the real life stuff calls me rudely back.

So, can't really comment. All I can say is that, despite the frustrating bugs (the latest one for me is multi-CTDs - apparently fixed for v1.07, due soon)I just love SF from a player's point of view. Before it arrived I was playin TOW pretty solidly and enjoying it immensely, but SF seems to have that little bit extra. And with all the new campaigns and scenarios being created, I can't see me leaving it for quite a while.

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I like this thread! smile.gif

Hey ThePhantom, it's good to know you are "active".

TOW's editor is mind-boggling. I love it and now it is a complete suite of tools. Once you get into it it's really hard to leave.

I can only imagine the beauty you will create with it. From your other scenarios I reckon you are a bit of a control freak. In a good way of course! :D

With TOW's editor you will have all the control you want.

Once I started playing CMSF I never played TOW again though. Some time ago I was sort of dragged into it but somehow I'm hocked to CMSF now and also can't seem to find the time for TOW anymore.

Both games are great in their own ways, that's for sure.


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Hello Webwing,

It was you who got me hooked on the editor for TOW. I stopped playing TOW when CMSF came out and then I noticed your map building forum. Suddenly, I noticed your detailed editor help videos...... I can't get away now. By the way, great job on those. Right now I'm trying to get the enemy AI to do exactly what I want it to do.

Now, CMSF 1.07....???? I'm back to replanning Return to Ba Bado V3. My wife is going to kill me.... but, I just can't get away from these two games.

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I've got Return to Ba Bado V3 out at CMMODS. It's basicly the same as V2 - With a few extras.

It's over the top with the ammount of Syrians - I know. However, I want the AI to hold its ground and fight for every inch of the town. The only way to do this is have a numerically superior force just being thrown in the cyclone. It sure makes for some short brutal fire fights all over the place. The enemy vehicles appear out of no where at times.


The limited reconnaissance push at the beginning of the game is a test I'm using for the next scenario I'm building. A recon element testing the line. Both scenarios for CMSF and TOW are based on this event. First, the US platoon receives only light small arms fire and then Wham! Here comes a high intensity determined enemy... I love it.

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