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Screen burning issue on plasma TV

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I played the demo yesterday and i had to order full version immediately. I'm really glad thisone wasn't ruined with RTS mode like TOW was.

But to the topic, like known plasma TVs don't like static image too much, especially reallyreally white stuff. New plasma TVs are usually fine with most games and will not care of some static images….at least if they are not totally white. I have a Samsung C96 50" Plasma and I've been playing with it fine for few months allready. It has 1360x768 resolution and games look awesome on it smile.gif But sometimes after long sessions you get some "shadow images" but those will allways disappear after wathing some TV after game session.

The worst thing so far was the "compass" in Battlestation Midway game, it is as white as it can be. I played the las reallyreally nasty challenge mission on it and got really hooked. I couldn't stop ;) I finally got thru it but after session I noticed huge Shadow image of compass :( The shadow image stayed visible for as long as week and I really got concerned that time that will it disappear at all? Well it did…but i wouldn't mind to avoid that situation in future?

And now…this game, we have the exactly same type of really white compass and it's doing the same thing and is raping my TV :( And I don't even need it while playing. The question is, that can I disable the compass somehow? Or change it's colour?

Shadow images are not the same thing as screen burning, but it is kind of pre-stage of burning. If screen get burned it can't be fixed and TV is raped.

PS. Does anybody know if the european version of game include a printed manual or will I have to print it from PDF?

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As far as I know you can't turn the compass off. But if CMSF is as moddable as CMX1 you should be able to replace the compass with a blank BMP or whatever format they use to make the graphics. Won't know until they release the mod editor...and the last I heard on that was soon...which was over a week ago.


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Originally posted by Mord:

You're welcome.

We shall see soon...hopefully!


Ok, so i assume it hasn't been released yet. Right?

One more thing, where is the mod editor actually released? Is there some page i should follow or something? Or is the info here on these boards when it's released?

I got the full version of game today and i'm a happy about it :D

Of course really eager to play A LOT of it...but i can't...like i predicted the compass is a major problem to plasma TV:s. Just like Midways compass...

After a played some demo and got hooked for few hours, there were HUGE shadow image of compass on the screen and it took many days to disappear...some of it is still is there :/

I really hope there is something i could do about this or this is a total disaster, i will probably get really bad withdrawal symptoms of not playing the game :(

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