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Bridges and Vehicles


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Bridges in stock missions or bridges in map you're making in Builder? In second case, you'll need to align them to pathfinding map (Show pathfinding cells). In first case, most bridges should be passable, but tanks and cars sometimes have difficulty facing them properly. Try first to position them directly in front of bridge facing the other bank, and then give them order to move to another bank.

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Sorry for a little off topic but my case also concerns bridges. I saw an IS-2 crossing a wooden bridge (it was in the last German mission I guess). For bloody hell, why heavy tanks are allowed for such an action? Should it be treated like a bug or is it how it's supposed to be? I'm sure that in real life such a bridge would certainly collapse so the tank's crew would have an unwanted meeting with the fish.

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Crazyman, you don't need the physics to simulate the collapsing bridge situation. You just take the weight constant of the unit entering the bridge and compare it to the constant var that describes the maximum mass the bridge can accept. If it's bigger (plus a little random value simulating the "luck" or probability), than shoo... The tank goes for a swim. Or it just disappears taking the bridge with itself in a big brown smoke. I don't care about the visuals. Only about technicals. The bridge should goddamn collapse. smile.gif

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Yes but if there is only one bridge then you would have to restart and it would do more harm to the game than ood but perhaps an OPTION to have it collapse with heavy tanks. But a whole new variable (weight of the tanks)would have to be made which i doubt 1C could be bothered to do.

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Originally posted by crazyman56:

Yes but if there is only one bridge then you would have to restart and it would do more harm to the game than ood but perhaps an OPTION to have it collapse with heavy tanks. But a whole new variable (weight of the tanks)would have to be made which i doubt 1C could be bothered to do.

That is true. But if there is only one bridge (which is wooden) available then such a warning message should be placed in scenario briefing OR the wooden bridge should be changed to concrete or metal one OR the heavy tank crew should be able to refuse crossing such bridge.

I don't think that adding those two object variables would be a problem for 1C but I'm also not saying that it's a must-be in the next ToW patch. I'm saying this for 1C to consider it in the add-on or ToW2 future releases.

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