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Picking up equipment


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I haven't played this game a long time as was waiting patch, now that it is finally here, i find that i cant remember even basics about game anymore.

Problem is that when my men run out of ammo etc. i know it is possible to pick up equipment from your fallen comrads, in key settings theres Alt+p listed as "pick up best equipment", but this doesn't seem to give any specific selection what to pick up.

I recall there was button that highlighted equipment on ground so it was possible to choose what to pick up. Or am i confusing with another game perhaps?

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It truly is a shame that some people who are always complaining of how much the game is "Micro-Managing" because they obviously play those Sudo RTS games that are just pretty graphics and lame game-play. I feel sorry for those that find it to much for their lazy unused brains to play the game like it is meant to be played. Those who find it to mentally consuming are those that like to click instead of think of what your men and equipment are suppose to do.

This game allows you to be the brains not just a concert director. You are to tell Private Noodle to go there and shoot here. You are to tell your gunner to load AP instead of HE. You are the game. That is the reason it doesn't need a large force of Thousands to be the great game it is.

I have made a few missions for Multilayer and play them vs AI just to see if the sides are balanced and as Redbear has mentioned along with Crazyman they are quite fun and very Challenging. Today I played with three guys on-line and believe it or not I used my Squad to take out Two Pz IV's and a squad of men. My missions are a bit larger areas then the normal and I always give 45 mins to an hour of game-time so that you can set up your units and plan your tactics without fear that the time is going to run out on the perfect gameplan that you have come up with.

But alas I digress... This post is to tell those who are constantly complaining about Micro-Managing , to realize that a real time strategy game has never been made that truly lives up to its name none that is but TOW! This game by far allows you to be the general and to partake in every step of the plan like no other game. Sure it is tough but War is HELL!! ToW is a true RTS in all aspects. It lets you do it all and know your the reason your men live or die.

I invite you all to play online with me and check out the missions that a few here have had the pleasure of being able to see just how well this game plays when done right.

Remember that My Team Speak server is always up and running when I am online so you can join it and we can battle it out. IP # feel free to join up. I would truly enjoy sharing the experience of a real wargame , the way ToW plays is truly the best of all.

By the Way, My online name is Mushhead in case you join the TS or game server it wont' say JMayer.

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In response.

We are only complaining because we give a damn. There are more efficient ways of doing things.

Nothing to do with laziness moreso with tedium.

Overcomplaining will kill a game and we don't want to see that happen. But good ideas should be gleamed from these posts.

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Jmayer: I respect your standpoint. Glad you enjoy the game.

However you should also respect that a lot of people despite a disclaimer by Battlefront were simply expecting something more hardcore, more command based.

I have already found out this is not the right title for me. Got it in November, went through about 95% of the missions, haven't played it for about four weeks now - and I wanted to love it and impatiently waited many years for release.

You should be more concerned about the people not writing here or not anymore.

For a potentially very popular game (WW2 real time land battles) the forum activity here is extremely low in my humble opinion. And I measure this by other Battlefront games - and historical flight sims and those are real niches by any standard.

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I understand now that you two post things as a suggestion rather then just to complain. My post was obviously not meant for you but for those who are posting that micro-managing is to hard for them. I feel that this game as it is plays very well and I personally am able to play it very well. I guess what concerns me is if they change it to less Micro-managing it will make the game lame as is CoH ,Blitzkreig, Sudden Strike, and a horde of others. That is mostly what I was trying to say is ToW is the only game that makes one feel they are the units and are in command of the units. I have a few things that I feel should be addressed and for now am waiting to see the add on before I express them because I know 1C will address them in the addon. Meant no offense to anyone here I humbly apologize.

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Jmayer: No need to apologize. I do not want to come over arrogant.

I see that we despise the same games ;) .

You are just coming from another direction of thought but we try to avoid the same.

I can play this micro managing well with about 2-3 squads and 2-3 tanks. Anything above and its like in a busy office, more work than fun for me.

Personally spoken I would want more self preservation and some more elementary squad based AI, more in line with the Combat Mission and the old Close Combat titles.

Don't want the game to become a mindless RTS slaughterfest clone which so many people enthusiastically buy nevertheless.

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