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Is it possible to win the demo mission?


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Hello everyone,

I downloaded the demo to check this game out.

Tried different set ups, but no matter how carefully I select and place my units, I always get overrun. Sure my guys kill a lot, and I mean a lot of russian tnaks adn infantry. I count up to 20 hulls, but still... they have more coming, never ending.

Is it on purpose? is the goal to last as long as possible on a map we will loose eventually?

Anyone with tips or ideas is welcome to give them

I like simulators, strategy, played a lot of CC3 and did well. But if the game is that hard, it looks almost impossible.

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Did you try to choose different units?

Did you receive reinforcements?

Reinforcements (and i mean REINFORCEMENTS) arrive after certain time or when your force is down to several men.

You can also just block the bridge with any tank. Enemy will have to go another long way and will lose time.

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First time I tried the demo I had same feelings like you. On third try, I have won without big probs. I have won with Jagdtiger (play it wisely, conservativly and it can survive whole mission), Panther and PAK 40s. Infantry is almost useless.

When playing, use micromanagement a lot - try to save good (and rare) ammo types. With weak AT ammo aim low (to tracks).

Use area fire with your HE shells for killing infantry.

Placing some your tanks (ATGs) into village (on your side of river) is not bad idea also.

And reinforcements are the key to victory - after their arrive, Ruskies have no chance;)

Demo mission is one of the harder ones, but in full game, there are even thougher... But ToW is great anyway:)

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