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How do I beat this battle on the russian campaign? I do fine at the beginning but once they get their ferdinands and those tanks with the huge guns I forget the name. Anyways once they get those I get annihilated. I have yet to take out one of their ferdinands because of the 200mm thick armour. Everything I throw at it just does nothing. They also seem to have perfect aim because as soon as I get my first reinforcements on the other side of the map bam 2 of them are taken out. Forget at guns cause one shot from those big tanks with he and the hole things gone. Anyways heres a picture of a nice hit on a ferdinand which should have atleast take the gun out but it was still firing can anyone help me out??


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In some tests I did with AT infantry groups, I found it was possible to either track this vehicle or destroy the crew using the bazooka or the RPG-43 AT grenades. However, I'm not sure the mission gives your soldiers any of these weapons. Anyhow, in my previous post "Impossible to stalk Tanks" I witnessed a security zone around the tank which seems to make it respond to Infantry AT threats within a certain range irrespective of which side you are approaching the vehicle.

Since then, I have found this isn't entirely accurate. If you can approach the vehicle from a series of LOS blocks (like bushes) it is possible to at least get into range with say, a bazooka before the vehicle turns around and starts blasting at you with MG and Gun rounds. Still, you better have an accurate soldier as you won't get many rounds off before being blasted. Of course, I cheated by adding in an American soldier because the Russian troops do not have the bazooka in it's loadouts, although apparently it was historically issued to Soviet troops. To what extent I don't know.

That leaves the RPG-43. These will kill the Elephant, especially when used en masse. However, getting close enough with even multiple tank-hunters is difficult. It is much easier to counter-assault an Elephant from entrenched infantry positions. However, if the beast is content to sit back at more than 30 meters and blast away, you are probably still pretty screwed.

So my best suggestion is to maybe tweak the mission with some RPG-43 AT grenades for your infantry and try to micromanage some "Elephant Kills". Don't think of it as cheating. It is historically accurate and the difficulty required is still pretty daunting. IOW, good luck........

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BTW, don't confuse the RPG-43 with the RPG-40. The RPG-40 is an oversized HE grenade, while the RPG-43 is an actual HEAT device.

The RPG-40 is pretty much useless against anything heavier than the PZKW-IV, which it is capable of destroying with one round, although usually I had to have 3 or more on target to finish the job. Only certain sections of the IV are susceptible to the RPG-40. Against the heavier Panther, the best result I ever achieved was disabling the main gun. Never got a tracked vehicle result even with over a dozen attempts.

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I did by changing the always 100 to 1 odds no matter what side you take to a better advantage in the mission editor. For heavily armored enemy vehicles aim low to defeat them easier.


[ May 25, 2007, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: KiloAlpha4 ]

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yep once the tracks are out they are pretty much fubar and can easily be attacked from sides or rear and the good thing about ferdinands is they have no heavy mg defense unlike the elephants only a main gun but I also noticed that after a few good hits generally the enemy crews will panic and leave the tank/spg to which I easily capture them later lol. If you are very lucky you can penetrate the thin under carriage/belly especially if they are at a increased elevation to your guns. I use atg's and inf a lot and they are very useful in several ways.

[ May 25, 2007, 10:50 AM: Message edited by: KiloAlpha4 ]

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Yup, tracking them is pretty much the only way to get those beasts down with the given weapons.

If it was just 1-2 of them it's pretty easy, you take 2-3 tanks and start running around them.

Whomever they are trying to shoot runs in high radial velocity (full speed @sub50m), the other two shoot it low.

But then it's the issue of those tigers (or was it panthers?) who come from the edge of the map and tend to object to you playing the rabbit.

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Originally posted by KiloAlpha4:

yep once the tracks are out they are pretty much fubar and can easily be attacked from sides or rear and the good thing about ferdinands is they have no heavy mg defense unlike the elephants only a main gun but I also noticed that after a few good hits generally the enemy crews will panic and leave the tank/spg to which I easily capture them later lol. If you are very lucky you can penetrate the thin under carriage/belly especially if they are at a increased elevation to your guns. I use atg's and inf a lot and they are very useful in several ways.

This is true, but, why when they bale out is one of the men armed with a machine gun(mg34or42). Definetly an err there.


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