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Great Support


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I bought the game after looking at the demo and am quite impressed. After following 1C's development of the game year after year, it's great that its finally seen light of day. Yes it has some frustrating issues, but what potential!

Something that has also impressed me enough to make a first post on this forum is the support and engagement from the forum moderators and administrators. Having the publisher actively participating with the gaming community and keeping us updated on issues & patches is not what you find from many other publishers. Thanks guys!

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Hi Gramps

I bought the game based on the excellent reputation of Battlefront. As you can see from this forum they really are involved in user satisfaction.

I've spent many hours playing this game. Half the time I'm frustrated with the this or that in the interface or game design. But, I have confidence that Battlefront/1C will eventually transform this game into the finest WWII RTS game on the market. I'm eagarly awaiting the patch.

Have fun.

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I think this is the best 3D wargame I've ever seen! It's really breathtaking. I just installed 2GBs of RAM, a 620W PSU, and an Nvidia 7600 GS card to improve performance and man, what a difference.


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