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Everything posted by jmurray1212

  1. Agreed Mikoyan - but guys make a distinction please - when you say British I take it you mean English who in general are not pro-EU. Us here in Scotland are more pro-EU. It is a bit like me calling a Canadian an American or a Serbian a Croatian or similar. Britain or the UK is made up of 4 countries all with different outlooks and perspectives. Culturally Scotland is very different from England, Ireland and Wales and vice-versa. Just thought I would add that correction guys
  2. Sledge - Enland or the English in general are traditionally not very EU orientated indeed they are fairly isolationist in terms of being part of the EU. As for us here in Scotland we are very different and want to be part of the EU and have always historically been pro-European - 'The Auld Alliance' with France as an example. That said when we get independence we will become more 'European' as we now have a nationalist government and hopefully we can progress forward away from the the Union with England. And that is not meant in any way meant to be offensive to the English as to be fair I don't think they want Scotland either as part of the Union :)Indeed I have nothing against my English neighbours I only want my country to move forward and I believe independence is the way to do that. Just had to say that so the English folks on the forum don't think I am being 'Anti-English'.
  3. Totally agree guys - the support has been excellent. The game industry could learn a lot from these guys about customer care and satisfaction!!!
  4. PS Hey Zitadelle - I see you are from Dusseldorf. I have been there many, many times - I love the city. In fact I am due to visit again on July 27th for a few days. I love the Altstadt - a great night out. All the best
  5. Hi Guys - new on this forum. I am in Scotland and have not received my copy as yet :-( Fortunately I bought the download also so at least I have been able to play. For a game that came out around a month ago and no delivery yet of the 'hard' copy I think that is pretty 'sssllloooooowwwwww'. Anyway congrats to all as it is a great game. All the best
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