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How do I back up my tank?!


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Im doing an ambush waiting behind a ridge (demo map)

Planning to do a "shoot & scoot" on a IS-2 with my Tiger (comming on the bridge)

I order my Tiger to go forward a few metres to engage the IS, make a shot, then retreat back behind the ridge....

NOW, thats what I wanted in THEORY....

This is what happened....

My tank starts to move out as planned, he makes his shot.. but when I wanted to reverse it behind the ridge, he TURNED 180 deg, with his Butt towards the IS!!!.... and this was after nearly 2 HOURS of playing and i didnt SAVE!...

Now, I relied alot on that tiger...

Maybe anyone have a tip on how to back up a tank... or either want my lost time back... :D

This ... HORRIBLE event occurd again and again... on different occations...

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Hmm I tried it.. it worked for some tanks...

but when I tried to back up the Tiger it started to turn again... and once more I forgot to save...

Maybe it wanted to show his "full moon" to his enemy?

hmmm... Regardless.. the game needs a patch that stops the tanks from turning towards invisible targets...

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