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LOF is more than user error


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Ive seen alot of threads b!tching about LOS/LOF issues and most of them get replies like "you aren't allowing the tank to see the enemy well enough", or "try aiming at the top of the enemy". I have proven this theory wrong however, there have been so many circumstances where my tigers will ambush an enemy armor unit or arty battery from behind and while they are within full view (I can see the entire unit when in first person view) they will just sit there not firing, allowing the enemy to reposition themselves and fire taking out my tanks at point blank. This has become increasingly frustrating on the later missions of the german campaign when I have a limited number of highly capable tanks vs. a seemingly unlimited number of russian T-34s and British equivalents.

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Werner, each unit has a "viewing cone" (you can turn it on and off in the options, if on it's the red dotted area) in the direction it's facing. If an enemy unity is firing at your unit from the rear, chances are that your tank isn't seeing it.

Having said that, it's now confirmed that the patch will correct/improve some LOS/LOF algorithms (we should be able to post a more or less complete list of fixes next week I think), so to that regard you are of course correct, there is most likely more going on than just user error (which we never excluded by the way)


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Originally posted by Moon:

Werner, each unit has a "viewing cone" (you can turn it on and off in the options, if on it's the red dotted area) in the direction it's facing. If an enemy unity is firing at your unit from the rear, chances are that your tank isn't seeing it.

This is the exact opposite of what SoaN said in his post. Originally I thought the dotted line was a viewing cone too - but according to him it's a firing arc and viewing is 360. It's hard for me to be sure as there are other things going on - but it seems that way to me now, especially as the arc changes when the selected weapon is changed on tanks.

So, which is correct? Red cone the viewing or firing arc?

Have fun


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