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Just noticed this at Simheadquarters


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Alright folks... you have rights to opinions, and rights to disagree... but because your banned at battlefront, does not give you the right to come over here and slander other people, other sites, other mods, and other admins.

Please talk about the game...your likes and dislikes, you can even say Battlefront is not showing good support for this game, but personal attacks on people will not be tolerated here... maybe getting your own forum or web site for that kind of stuff is needed.

Thank you for your time and postings.



Land & Armor Combat Editor

I just ran into this over at Simheadquarters :eek:
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Originally posted by BFawlty:

That's what this place has become!


I wouldn't say so....

Depends how you look on it... Those whiners at Sim HQ are really something. I would say spoiled brats.

There is lies flying there how they behaved here... There are also polls "would you recommend ToW"... well, I can also make polls like that and bring 30 people to vote as "no" if I wish.

Too much negativity... And even moderator there doesn't like ToW. Well, at least we can say that he is honest as right beside is banner from BFC and on top...

Well, many people expected M1 Tank Platoon 3 or something. Here's a news for you: MicroProse and Dynamix are dead. And this is RTS you cannot be everywhere where is action at the same time.

One thing is certain, game is really great, people are spoiled as it seems and want everything right now. There is no patience anymore.

It's absolutely impossible as it seems that game such massive as ToW come out and doesn't have problems. Well, there is those small games that 2-5 people make and every one of them needs patches and graphics is rudimentary. Wargamers should also think about this demand on realism, yes it's OK to ask for realism but another things is what you will get in such a game regarding realism. For 45$ they have delivered fantastic game. Complaints and constructive criticism is OK but some other things are not. And look at current state of wargaming - small number of copies, developers are running away from it! So, people give some respect to 1C. I even regret at some of my words now.


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You guys are weird. SimHQ enforces it's policy that personal issues from other message boards should not be brought to SimHQ.

Battlefront has a similar policy, but you guys are currently ignoring that, in effect being less civilized than the dudes at SimHQ you're mouthing off about.

Bloodstar, I know many of those people voting "no" in the polls, and you are dead wrong if you think it's as simple as all joining togehter to conspire against BFC. And the fact that the Ground War Guy - Magnum - doesn't like ToW is not "too much negativity", it's his opinion and he's certainly qualified and able to review a game as good or bad.

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Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

You guys are weird. SimHQ enforces it's policy that personal issues from other message boards should not be brought to SimHQ.

Battlefront has a similar policy, but you guys are currently ignoring that, in effect being less civilized than the dudes at SimHQ you're mouthing off about.

Bloodstar, I know many of those people voting "no" in the polls, and you are dead wrong if you think it's as simple as all joining togehter to conspire against BFC. And the fact that the Ground War Guy - Magnum - doesn't like ToW is not "too much negativity", it's his opinion and he's certainly qualified and able to review a game as good or bad.

Nothing is weird if it is presented in civilized way. So you think that what those guys at Sim HQ are doing is OK? With subjects like "this utter dreck of a game", then lies how they were banned wrongly and things like that?

Look I don't have anything against Sim HQ. Everybody can have their own opinion.

But if that Magnus guy is a reviewer then he should also know some things...

There was not cheap Matrix making this game but 1C. Each model in the game by developers costed 5000$ that is not small money! So, they will make you 88mm gun if game sells simple as that. So if game make it on the market it will be even more better and realistic. I disagree wholeheartly that game is bad. Game is fantastic and effort that was put there is enormous.

More later


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I'm guessing most the people there will have heard about ToW, like me, via an interest in flight sims. Now flight sims have dozens of forums dotted around the internet, many of them excellent. I don't think that's the case for pseudo-realistic RTS games - in fact would I be right in thinking that there aren't any apart from Close Combat and ToW? As a result I'd personally prefer it if this board didn't turn into a flamepit like the Ubi IL2 boards used to be (still are for all I know).

Originally ToW, rightly or wrongly, appeared to be marketed as an ultra-realistic RTS. I was expecting maps that looked like real terrain based directly on real confrontations (rather than inspired by as seems to be the case now). Instead we have a game that has 'cool stuff' and we are told that we shouldn't expect historical OOBs. It's hardly surprising then that people from that background are disappointed. I know I am to an extent, but luckily all it'll take is some well made missions/campaigns to fix this and I'm sure they'll come soon enough.

Have fun


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My point about "weird" is that simHQ has not allowed the people you know from here, to continue their personal stuff over there.

On the other hand, you guys here can't lay it off and keep going on about them.

As for forum subject lines, "utter dreck of a game" - right or wrong - seems to be what many guys over there feel. It's not less an exageration than saying "game is fantastic" like you do.

As for the rest...well, if a model costs 5000$, then they are having an incorrect business plan or idea. But I don't belive that number.

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...Each model in the game by developers costed 5000$ that is not small money! So, they will make you 88mm gun if game sells simple as that. So if game make it on the market it will be even more better and realistic...
I wish ToW was more moddable - it's looking like nothing will be alterable apart from missions and (when the map editor comes out) object placement on maps. Games like this sell over a long period of time due to a buzz where one person tells someone else about it, either directly or when someone comes across a reference on the internet. You can either do this with official add-ons - like IL2, or by making the game very moddable - the Microsoft flight sims being a good example, or with something like really solid multiplayer (IL2 again). ToW has clearly taken the IL2 route so far - if anything it's even less moddable as you can't even change model textures.

I'd take the $5000 with a pinch of salt - either someone was working really slowly or getting paid too much if that's true. In any case user created content would remove that burden from the devs - most games now take this into account as a cheap way to extend a game's lifespan. I hope that future patches will make it more extensible.

Have fun


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Well, RSColonel raises a good point. In any case it's not fair to debate about people who have no ability to respond, so I'm simply going to lock this up.

FinnN, the game was never advertised as ultra-realistic by Battlefront. More realistic than the average RTS out there, yes, and that's what it is.


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