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FLASH: Game has somethinig called 'difficulty levels'!


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I was reading how hard and unbalanced the missions are, and thought I would try the Polish campaign. As I was preparing to play the first mission, I noticed a feature I don't think you are all aware of. Apparently, there is an adjustment called the 'difficulty level'. There are three, Hard, Normal, and Easy. So I tried the campaigns first mission on 'hard'. You know what, it's really hard to win! Well, I thought to myself, maybe I'll try the setting called 'Easy'. You know what, it was easy to win! So, easy, I won the first time! Wow, I thought, thats neat. I can adjust the difficulty level as I learn the game. I could replay a mission I won on easy, and play it again, get this, on a differnt difficulty level! Wow! That's great! That means I can play the missions more than once without getting bored. This is a great feature and more games should have it.

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Or you could leave it on hard and win the first mission on the second try. That's what I did. Try different strategies and different setups. Don't buy into the default setup that they give you.

For example, the first mission of the Polish Campaign has all your troops and two of your guns in the forward trenches. This is a horrible choice because it leaves your AT guns vulerable at long range. The gunners are so bad they can't hit the tanks well at long range. Try moving everyone back behind the hill and into the town and see what happens. The German tanks can't engage until they crest the hill, less than 100m from your positions. AT guns will be deadly at that range.

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