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Fight to the last man


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I am really enjoying this game. It's got amazing moments aplenty, much like a great dramatic film at it's best. Nice job all around.

One item that is driving me a bit crazy- the morale system that requires players to either fight to the bitter end, or hunt down that last enemy soldier down and snuff out his miserable pixalated existence. Some sort of "global morale" seems needed.

Get a decent quick battle feature and the above worked out, and this game is aces. The city fighting add on will be the icing down the road.

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I have to agree that this is has been a very disappointing flaw for me. Once a battle starts you must either win, or have every friendly man killed before the game ends. You can't withdraw or retreat any forces from the map. This removes the whole concept of preserving your forces from consideration.

I just quit out of a very long early war battle wherein I no longer had any anti tank defences left, and a fourth wave of enemy tanks attacked. Fresh infantry reinforcements arrived, but the only thing to do is march them up to be shot as quickly as possible, because otherwise you have to wait for the enemy to hunt them down. You cannot withdraw them, and they can't attack the armour.

The "Combat Mission" games are very much better battle simulators - in fact TOW doesn't rate in the same category with them. Yes, it was neat to see the TOW tanks moving around and the graphics are great. The weapon simulations are great, but this 'fight to the last man' flaw just makes it a very good quality "game", and frankly I don't enjoy that kind of thing - I'm going back to CMAK and I'm afraid I won't be playing with TOW again.

I'm not angry - its obvious that a lot of work went into the game. I just don't like it.

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