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Hey I have an idea...


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Is it possible for the people who pre-ordered the game furhter away countries, to have their order posted before the 19th. So that we don't have to wait another 2-4 weeks for it arrive. I can't download it since it's too big and would take forever on from the distant server. I dont want it to arrive before the 19th (duh) just not so far after it as May. Just throwing it out there.

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Do you think Battlefront choose the 19th out of the blue???

I am sure they had a timetable that said:

- Gold status by xx April

- Pressing CDs needs xx days

- Packing CDs with boxes and manuals need xx days

- Calculating of times comes to shipping on April 19th!

So I would guess you can not win too much, just because the game is not ready to ship way before the 19th. Maybe you are lucky and the first shipments go out on the 18th, but I would not expect any earlier :(

Maybe Moon or Madmatt can prove me wrong here ;)


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In a perfect world it would take only a few days to get you your hard copies. Our normal shipping times are pretty quick. Unfortunately during a new product launch experience shows that it always takes much longer. It just takes time to package and process several thousand units to individual customers. We ramp up the fulfillment house staff of course, but there is only so much that can be done.

Additionally, a major part of the shipping process is totally out of our control, and that's after the carrier picked up the goods. Some carriers are quick, some are slower, depending on where you live, and we even had cases where fast carriers suddenly turned slow when pressed to handle several hundred units in one batch.

So you should probably expect waiting times up to 4 weeks after the launch, depending on where you live, and if you're plaing lucky. Some people will probably have it after a few days, and for some it will take a bit longer. And there is nothing we can do about it really :/


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Hear Hear Moon, when I order packages in-country I expect delivery the day after, but ain't surprised if it takes two days. My last delivery from another country, was SH4 Limited edition, it was send from France to Denmark in only 24 hours and boy I was surprised at the speed, as I expected it to take atleast 3-4 days.

Oh and hello all, new face here.

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Kazzel, we're shipping out of our warehouse in Ireland to European customers, and usually it's only a couple of days indeed (shipping within the EU boundaries helps). But that's for normal ongoing orders. The initial rush during a release is something else entirely.


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