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Cooperative Play?


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Originally posted by iplaygames2:

I dare say I prefer coop to playing 2v2 vs humans. At least historically speaking, at least 1 of the humans will be a juvenile idiot.

That why its important to build up a groups of players that you know. And from the thread with player profiles there are not that many juveniles...although idiots come in all agegroups :D


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why would anyone wanna play coop vs the AI?

thats why MP was invented, because their comes a point where there in no more challenge in fighting the AI. because when you get good at it, you win everytime easily

it took me 3 years to dare taking the step of fighting a human enemy in CC5. but once i took the step i didn't find any satisfaction in fighting the AI anymore.

the thing that scares me is that in 2x2 3x3 or 4x4 the battles wil last quite long, over 30 mins. so it wil frequently happen that one of the players has to leave. what happens then?

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Originally posted by seppDieter:

why would anyone wanna play coop vs the AI?

Because they can't find human players? Seriously, I think many people will like to play it against AI; as there's no player lobby. I'd jump right off into a mission with my mate rather than try finding 2 more people to play against for another hour.
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