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Bit late!!!


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I mean no offense but i have been looking through old interviews and other stuff and moon i think said this:

Strategy Informer: What's the currently release date and is it possible we may see some changes in the future?

Martin van Balkom: We’re shooting for a relase towards the end of the year at the moment. End of October, early November, something like that. The game has been in development for a long time (5 years or so) and is largely complete, we (the Battlefront team) are mainly working on doublechecking and improving some realism issues, tweaking and finetuning scenarios, correcting historical data, and localization including voice recording and the like. So unless something goes wrong terribly we don’t expect to hit any major delays.

Half a year ago and its still not out can i know why?

:confused: :confused:

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read the past threads.

People have been complaining constantly since last year over delays.

Heaps of bugs encountered and a huge amount of alterations have been made. Deadlines have gone out the window totally on this one.

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Not so much bugs, but the main reason why we missed the end of year window I mentioned in that interview is because we sat down with 1C and made a decision to make some rather substantial changes to the game. Core engine changes type of things, like increasing the spotting and engagement ranges for example to realistic levels (no more 500 meter limit etc.) We felt (and 1C agreed) that this was needed to make the game stand out heads and shoulders about the usual clickfest RTS games out there. This meant however a substantial delay, since the team had to tackle the core code to implemented our suggestions.

We felt that the result will be worth the delay, and now, with the basically finished games in my hands, I think everybody here on the team agrees. Instead of complaining about delays, people should acknowledge that for once a developer and publisher agreed to NOT rush a title for some artificial x-mas deadline but instead wants to make it right.

The current delay is one of a few days where we need to iron out a few last-minute multiplayer bugs we found just on the day that I was about to announce the release date and open pre-orders. We're still testing and have narrowed down the problem (some people cannot host and we need to find out why and fix it), and as soon as we know what it is and what is necessary to fix it so that we can go into production, I'll announce the release date.


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Thanks for keeping us informed in such detail!

After intensively following the discussions on the ToW forum here at Battlefront for the last 8 months I am convinced that the majority of the comming customers (that voiced their opinion!) are happy with your decision to prioritise the quality over the timeline. And hopefully everybody else will agree after the release.


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That's another point - we (Battlefront) are involved with the game for a little less than a year, but sometimes people seem to offload their (understandable) frustration caused by the previous delays during this game's development. Delays which have to do with the previous parties involved and not us.

It's been a very long wait and all of us here understand that people's patience is wearing thin. But in the end it's the players that will benefit the most from the fact that we un-did some of the things which were done to it previously smile.gif

If we only cared about the money, we should have released the game in a rush last year in time for christmas sales. But we don't, and frankly, as a publisher that can be reached online 24/7 and that intends to be around for a long time, the quality of our products is much more important to us than the quick buck that traditional publishers are usually after.


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Good explanation and good asessment of the players frustration which has been built up formerly over all those years.

I am following this title from the first announcement (I ignore these RTS "clickfests" although they all have very nice graphics these days) and can sit tight just a little longer smile.gif

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Thanks Moon, and also Reichenberg for linking me over to this reply. I am sure everyone appreciates your input and keeping us informed. I have been waiting for this game since it was called Wartime Command...lol. Thanks again.


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